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[greenyes] Fwd: Call for Speakers: November 19, 2004 National Environmental Partnership Summit 4/11-14, 2005 Chicago

Apologies for cross-postings

Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 06:51:01 -0600
To: p2tech@no.address, roundtabe@no.address
From: Deb Jacobson <djacobso@no.address>
Subject: Fwd: Summit Call for Speakers: November 19, 2004

Reminder to get your paper submitted. Time is running out.

Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 00:24:59 -0500
Subject: Summit Call for Speakers: November 19, 2004

Dear Colleague:

The Summit open call for speakers has gone out to pollution prevention activists, compliance assistance ambassadors, environmental policy innovators, industry environmental leaders, sustainability pioneers - to all of you who are renewing the environmental protection infrastructure of the US.

Next Friday, November 19, 2004 is the deadline to submit your proposals for papers, panel sessions, dialogues or work sessions for the 2005 National Environmental Partnership Summit.

There are opportunities to participate in new ways that could advance your professional goals. We are asking that you not only think about sharing your own work through the presentation of a paper, but consider hosting an entire hand crafted session, facilitating a lively dialogue or hosting a results oriented project work session.

This years summit will be even better than the last. We expect to be joined by at least 150 of our environmental partners representing industry who are members of the Performance Track Participants Association. So all elements of the environmental action equation will be here to learn with and from!


The following is a list of Topics for this year's Summit. There is more detail on these topic areas on the Summit website above. These topics are designed as a guide to help us focus the Summit and to help you target your submissions. Please do not hesitate to submit a presentation, session, dialogue idea or results that you believe fits within the Summit but does not appear in these topics.

I: Partnering Across Programs & Organizations - How to Make it Work

Goal: Develop and enhance partnerships to achieve results, including enhancing environmental performance, improving delivery of environmental assistance and implementing pollution prevention practices. Examples: Sector Solutions; Mentoring; Industrial Ecology

II: Environmental Program Integration & Innovation

Goal: Illustrate and develop innovative strategies and methodologies that integrate environmental programs such as compliance assistance, pollution prevention and environmental leadership across intergovernmental, environmental agency programs. Examples: Integrated Performance-based Strategies; Regulatory Incentives for Superior Performance; One Stop Environmental Assistance

III: Delivering Environmental Assistance

Goal: Share and advance best environmental assistance practices designed to improve environmental performance. Examples: Approaches to Reach Your Audience; Understanding Your Audience; Creating Behavior Change

IV: Creating Business Value While Protecting the Environment

Goal: Feature programs and practices that achieve business excellence while protecting the environment. Examples: Improving Profitability; Risk Reduction; Accounting for the Environment

V: Fostering Sustainability

Goal: Demonstrate model environmental programs and management systems that result in pollution prevention practices, achieving and moving beyond compliance, and sustainability. Examples: Environmental Management Systems, Environmental Justice, Business Models for Sustainability

VI: Measuring Environmental Results & Managing Information

Goal: Identify best practices to measure results & develop common or compatible metrics across organizations and sectors. Examples: Environmental Indicators; Facility-based Reporting; Alignment & Integration of Environmental Information

VII: Understanding the Current State of the Environment

Goal: Examine current environmental conditions and stresses to make sure we are addressing the most important problems. Examples: Climate Change; Water Quantity & Quality, Biodiversity

VIII: Assessing Environmental Research, Science & Technology

Goal: Explore the latest environmental research and technology and identify future needs. Examples: Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Resources; Biotechnology; Information Technology

If you want a more detailed list of options, click here - <>

If you are selected, you will receive a discounted registration fee of $250.

Please help advance the environment by submitting your ideas and sharing this email with your professional partners and colleagues as appropriate

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

- 2005 Summit team

One Environment - One Conference - 600 Leaders

Join us as we bring together members of the environmental assistance and business community - Those who inspire, lead, fund, create, deliver, and receive.

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485

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