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Prior to the Dialog held last August 2004 in San Francisco, I released a series of papers that addressed what we call "Managing Discards in the New Millennium." These papers were presented to stimulate the discussion at the dialog. For the next nine weeks under the title Dialog Paper #, I will release each document to the four lists (GAIA, ZWIA, CRRA and Greenyes). Each list is not linked together, but I would request your response be to "all" or to the author. The ultimate result of this discussion will be a rewritten and edited version each document. All the papers can be downloaded from http://crra.com./grc/international/whitepaper.html PAPER 8 Implementing Zero Waste: Reuse and Recycling, California Style William A. Worrell, integrated Waste Management Authority, San Luis Obispo California communities are similar to many communities throughout the world. People have numerous responsibilities, working, raising children, helping elderly parents, etc. For many, there is a desire to do the “right” thing, there just isn’t the time. When developing reuse and recycling programs it is important to recognize that the simpler and easier the program, the more it will be used. This applies whether the programs apply reuse, recycling or recovery. To develop programs, one must understand how the waste stream. This includes how materials are used in society and how waste is generated. Use of Materials The following schematic diagram illustrates the use of materials in our society: Figure 1: Flow of material through society Source: Solid Waste Engineering, Aarne Vesilind, William Worrell and Debra Reinhart, 2001. As shown in the above figure, we do not “consume” materials; we merely use them and ultimately return them, often in an altered state, to the environment. The production of useful goods for eventual use by those people called "consumers" requires an input of materials. These materials can come from one of three sources: raw materials, which are mined from the earth and used for the manufacture of products; scrap materials produced in the manufacturing operation and materials recovered after the product has been used. The industrial operations are not totally efficient, producing some byproducts, which are either disposed of or used as raw material in other processes. The resulting processed goods are sold to the consumers. After the product is used, there are three options: to reuse the material for the same or a different purpose without remanufacture; to collect the material in sufficient quantities to either use it for energy production or recycle it back into a manufacturing process or to dispose of this material. As shown on figure 1, this is a closed system, with only one input and one output, emphasizing again the finite nature of our world. At steady state, the raw materials introduced into the process must equal the materials disposed back into the environment. By achieving the zero waste goal, no material is disposed of, therefore no new raw material is needed. The key to achieving the zero waste goal is to have the appropriate source reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery programs. These programs must be supported with the appropriate technology. In addition, the programs must be accepted and used by the manufacturers and consumers. Sources of Waste The enclosed chart illustrates the various sources of waste for San Luis Obispo . Depending on the community the various sizes of the 4 sectors, commercial garbage, residential garbage, self haul and construction and demolition waste will vary. However it is important the each community develop programs to address each of these four sectors. At the same time the programs that are developed should be simple and easy to use otherwise they will not be effective. San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority The San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) is a regional agency which includes San Luis Obispo County , the cities of Arroyo Grande, Atascadero , Grover Beach , Morro Bay , Paso Robles, Pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo and 8 special districts. Since 1995, the IWMA has been working with its members to develop a comprehensive regional recycling program. The program that has been developed is convenient, yet cost effective and addresses the three primary sources of waste received at the landfills: Residential/Commercial waste, self hauled waste, and construction/demolition waste RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL WASTE: Because the IWMA has 16 member jurisdictions and 5 hauling companies, the IWMA has worked to develop a standard garbage/recycling program that is consistent throughout the region. This allows the IWMA to advertise the program and prevents confusion as residents move between jurisdictions. The standard program includes: RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE SERVICE: Variable can garbage rates based on 20, 32, 64 or 96 gallon waste wheelers Weekly collection of commingled recyclables in 32, 64 or 96 gallon blue waste wheelers Weekly collection of greenwaste in 32, 64 or 96 gallon green waste wheelers Curbside collection of oil and oil filters in containers provided by the IWMA COMMERCIAL GARBAGE SERVICE: Commercial customers provided with 2 cubic yards of commingled recycling and/or greenwaste as part of “garbage” service Additional recycling or greenwaste collection offered at ¼ the cost of garbage service IWMA offers assistance to commercial customers to establish recycling/greenwaste service. The IWMA also provides free recycling containers for use in offices. SELF HAULED WASTE: About 10% of the residents in the County choose not to have garbage service and still haul their own waste to the landfill. At the largest landfill, Cold Canyon Landfill, the IWMA worked with the owner to develop a resource recovery park. Self haulers are directed to an area where there are stations to recycle: commingled recyclables, cardboard, tires, metals, wood, greenwaste, concrete and asphalt. Any remaining material goes to the garbage station. CONSTRUCTION/DEMOLITION WASTE: Three cities, Arroyo Grande, Morro Bay and San Luis Obispo , have adopted construction and demolition waste mandatory recycling ordinances based on the model ordinance prepared by the IWMA. Other communities are also considering adopting the model ordinance. Currently 3 construction and demolition sorting facilities are certified in the County as meeting the diversion requirement in the ordinances. Other sorting facilities are being built. PROGRAMS: In addition to addressing the three primary sources of waste, the IWMA has also developed the following program: School Education. The IWMA provides about 300 classroom presentations and 100 field trips each year. The field trips go to our education center and then to the landfill, composting operation and recycling facility which are located nearby. School Grant Program. For the last two years, the IWMA has provided grants to schools of up to $4 per student to start or expand school recycling programs. Twelve schools installed large worm beds and one school purchased an earth tub. Public Education. The IWMA publishes the annual recycling guide. This 48 page guide provides information on a variety of topics. The IWMA website is iwma.com. Model Office. Last year, CRRA recognized the IWMA for achieving a diversion rate of over 95% in the IWMA office. Household Hazardous Waste. The IWMA operates 6 permanent household hazardous waste facilities. This innovative program was recognized by the North American Hazardous Materials Management Association as the outstanding HHW program in 2000. These facilities also accept electronic waste. Public Area Recycling. The IWMA has placed over 100 recycling containers in public areas. What makes this program particularly outstanding or unique? VISION AND LEADERSHIP: While others have wondered what to do and how to get it done, the IWMA has developed and implemented outstanding programs. In 1998 the IWMA exceeded the 50% diversion goal and continues to exceed it. Many of the programs described above are new and innovative. For example the resource recovery park may be the first of its type in California . As another example, clearly a regional collection program, which includes variable garbage rates and weekly collection of commingled recyclables and greenwaste from both residential and commercial customers, is the most effective option. By working with our member jurisdictions and waste haulers, we have implemented this system. The IWMA was also one of the first communities in California to adopt the zero waste goal. As example of the IWMA’s commitment to zero waste, the IWMA participated in zero waste workshops in England and Switzerland . top |
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