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Check out these statements from an EPA official. Wonder if this would ever be true! ---- http://www.wastenews.com/headlines2.html?id=1100031581 EPA should focus on material reuse, recycling, Thomas Dunne says Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 9 -- After almost 30 years of a "command-and-control" system of regulating solid waste disposal, the federal government needs a dramatic policy makeover, a senior U.S. Environmental Protection Agency official said Nov. 8. The EPA has to become a different kind of agency, focusing primarily on material reuse and recycling rather than regulation, said Thomas P. Dunne, acting assistant administrator for the EPA´s Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response at the 2004 Byproducts Beneficial Use Summit in Kansas City. "I'm convinced this country must make a sharp and profound change in policy direction," he said. "Things have got to change." The 1976 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act charged the EPA with overseeing the safe disposal of solid waste and encouraging energy recovery from recovered materials. The agency needs to concentrate its resources on the second part, developing a national material management policy instead of spending the lion's share of its energy writing regulations, Dunne said. "EPA's days of composing and writing waste disposal regulations is just about over," he said. "That job's mostly done." The agency must collaborate with industry, environmental groups and third-party scientific institutions, such as universities and testing agencies, to encourage the reuse of industrial byproducts. It doesn't make long-term economic sense to use materials once and throw them away, Dunne said. "For manufacturers everywhere, materials management will become a much higher priority than waste management," he said. |
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