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[greenyes] Comments on White Paper #4 C McCoy query

<snip>will apologize in advance if my Tellus rant was already included in the white paper. I haven't actually had time to read it. Another quick search of the Tellus website reveals the following report: Advancing Resource Mangement Contracting in Massachusetts: Reinventing Waste Contracts and Services, published in 2002 There appears to be another document on their site that's relvant, but it won't download for me. Perhaps these would be important for discussion purposes.
Christine <snip>

See for example Ligon, Paul and Votta, Tom "Strategic contracting increases waste prevention and materials recycling", Resource Recycling, March 2001. Paul Ligon and Tom Votta used to be Senior Scientists with Tellus (perhaps still are). Tellus did some other work on this topic around the same time.

Caroline Truth Brimblecombe
London, UK

Mrs C T Brimblecombe
Principal Waste Minimisation Officer
Environmental Services
Environment and Conservation
Islington Council
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T 020 7527 4744
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