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RE: [greenyes] Recycling programs very cost effective

Two suggestions, first, get ha hold of that study by the state of Virginia so you understand the reference point. Second, the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance did a nice report on the economic impact of recycling on the Minnesota Economy. It is a fair piece of change.
Cathi Lyman-Onkka
Saint Paul - Ramsey County Department of Public Health
Environmental Health Section
Phone: 651-773-4449 Fax: 651-773-4454

-----Original Message-----
From: Reindl, John [mailto:Reindl@no.address]
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:25 AM
To: 'Buford Hill'; greenyes@no.address
Subject: RE: [greenyes] Recycling programs very cost effective

Hi Buford ~

While each situation is different, we did studies of the economics of
recycling for the City of Madison, WI for two federal court cases. In our
study for 1993, we found that recycling increased the cost of the solid
waste system by 1%, but in 1996, the costs had decreased by 6%. Contributing
factors include mandatory recycling and a willing public -- and thus high
participation rates -- and an effective program to get people to leave grass
clippings on their lawns and to implement home composting programs for food,
leaves and other yard materials.

The markets for the last year for us have been fantastic (with the exception
of glass), with newsprint, magazines and corrugated cardboard now selling
for about $90 - $100 a ton, HDPE at just under $180 a ton, PET at about $330
a ton, aluminum cans at $1,300 a ton and steel cans at $170 a ton. Glass is
the low value material with clear at $11 a ton, brown at $10 a ton, and we
pay $9 a ton to recycle green glass and $13 a ton to recycle mixed color
glass. In contrast, our landfill (which is in our major city, so
transportation cost savings are low) is $28 a ton.

These numbers are not transferrable to other locations, but they do show
that recycling can, in fact, not only be cost effective when compared to the
environmental benefits received and the creation of jobs, but, in some
cases, actually reduce costs.

Best wishes and let me know if you would like any details,

John Reindl, Recycling Manager
Dane County, wI

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Buford Hill [mailto:garbageman@no.address]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:13 AM
> To: greenyes@no.address
> Subject: [greenyes] Recycling programs not cost effective
> Hello all,
> I live in Dickenson County Virginia. One of the poorest
> counties in the state now that the Coal business is failing.
> I previously worked for the County Solid Waste Department. It
> was my hopes that the county would implement a recycling
> program to enhance the curbside pick-up program that they
> started in 1995. I worked hard to find information and
> resources to present to the Board of Supervisors. They were
> always against it because "It would cost too much". That was
> 3 years ago.
> Recently I was appointed to a Litter Control Ordinance Review
> Committee. This committee was formed to make recommendations
> for a body of Ordinances to fight the litter throughout our
> county. Although we have a Solid Waste Ordinance that covers
> the same material presented by the county administration,
> they feel that they need a specialized litter ordinance.
> On this committee is the County Administrator, Director of
> Solid Waste, A Board of Supervisors member, The Litter
> Control Coordinator, The Litter Control Officer, Virginia
> General Assembly Delegate Clarence (Bud) Phillips and myself.
> The Commonwealth Attorney and some private citizens were
> asked to be there to assist in devising this Litter Control
> Ordinance but failed to attend.
> My concern is that the bureaucrats on the committee are
> against any type of recycling through the Solid Waste stream
> giving the same worn out excuse "It would cost too much".
> Stressing that there are no markets for the materials. Del.
> Phillips even stressed studies that were done by the State of
> Virginia that say it is NOT cost affective. Although he did
> not provide any documentation to back his statements.
> Is this the reality of Recycling? Does it cost too much to
> implement? Are there no markets for the materials?
> I need some help with this matter. If anyone has some
> ammunition I can fire back at them on these issues, let me know.
> Thank you
> Buford Hill
> Recycle, Garbage is a terrible thing to Waste.

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