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Hello All - If anyone has information, please respond to Bill directly - he's cc:ed above. Thanks so much, Christine McCoy Director, Environmental Programs Rural Community Assistance Program 1522 K Street, NW #400 Washington, DC 20005 Phone: 202/408-1273 ext. 104 Fax: 202/408-8165 Email: cmccoy@no.address -----Original Message----- From: Bill Murphy [mailto:lbmurphy@no.address] Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 10:10 PM To: cmccoy@no.address Subject: Cost per Ton Hi Christine, I am trying to find some historical data on the cost per ton for recycled materials over the past 10 years. I am looking for the cost data in quarterly increments over the past 10 years. The recycled materials that I am interested in are:- paper, cardboard, glass, plastics, tin, aluminum, refundable cans and bottles. Do you know who or where I might contact for this type of information? The cost center for these prices would be Boston, MA. Thanks for your help. Bill Murphy 508-358-2885 |
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