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The Dart Company, that processes the Publix chain's styrofoam recycling here in Florida, collects it whether clean or not. They sanitize it before shipping it for recycling into packaging peanuts. Amy Perlmutter <amyperl@no.address> wrote:Congliaro doesn¹t take food-grade polystyrene, certainly not from meat. They use molded packaging PSand break it up into chunks and sell it for packaging. I am not sure that this even comes from curbside programs, it would be pretty expensive to collect and transport. I can¹t imagine what you could do with PS contaminated by meat. I would think bacteria would be a problem. Amy Perlmutter > To: > cc: > Subject: [greenyes] Recycling styrofoam - can this be recycled and if so into > what?? > > We collect at our curbside Styrofoam from meat packaging - can this be > recycled? > > Curious if anyone does this and if so into what is the made? > > Thanks. > > Troy Glasner > eKOS Building Solutions > Tel: 613 821-6223 > Fax: 613 821-5909 > E: troy@no.address > W: www.ekosbuild.com > --=_alternative 007A892288256E37_=-- ------------------------------ > Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 17:24:20 -0500 > To: "Troy Glasner" , > From: "Amy Bauman" > Subject: RE: [greenyes] Recycling styrofoam - can this be recycled and if so into what?? > Message-ID: > > A company here in Mass (Conigliaro Industries) breaks it up and sells huge > bags of it back to industry for packaging material. Not pretty, but > functional. > > Amy B. Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - More reliable, more storage, less spam |
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