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What happened to Sen. Jeffords' (VT) National Beverage Producer Responsiblity Act? Jenny Gitlitz <jenny.gitlitz@no.address> wrote:Hello BBANers, There is a lot going on in the legislative sphere! As of February 2004, 14 new bottle bill proposals had been introduced in 10 states, and 22 different proposals for bottle bill expansion had been introduced in six states with existing deposit laws. During the last few weeks, CRI has testified in New York (expansion) and in Mississippi (new BB proposal), and we have submitted written testimony in Colorado. We will also be submitting written testimony in New Hampshire (new BB proposal), and will probably be testifying against a repeal proposal in Connecticut soon. We're also keeping close tabs on a Massachusetts budget proposal which would expand the bottle bill in order to funnel more unclaimed deposit cash into state coffers. If you are interested in receiving a legislative update spreadsheet, please contact Kyle Paulson at CRI: Tel (703) 276-9800, or kpaulson@no.address With regards, --Jenny Jennifer Gitlitz Research Director, Container Recycling Institute Home Office: 2 Pomeroy Ave. Dalton, MA 01226 Tel. (413) 684-4746 Mobile: (413) 822-0115 Fax: (413) 403-0233 Email: jgitlitz@no.address Container Recycling Institute headquarters: 1911 N. Ft. Myer Dr. #702 Arlington, VA 22209-1603 Tel. (703) 276-9800 Fax: (703) 276-9587 www.container-recycling.org www.bottlebill.org _______________________________________________ To post a message to all BBAN members, send email to: bb-action-ntwk@no.address Subscription information for the BBAN is available at: http://lists.bottlebill.org/mailman/listinfo/bb-action-ntwk To unsubscribe, email your request to: kpaulson@no.address _______________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - More reliable, more storage, less spam |
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