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[greenyes] Possible Speaker for Upcoming Conference and Contact information

Good afternoon! My name is Todd Ellis and I am the Assistant Director
of the Northeast Resource Recovery Association (Co-op) located in
Chichester, NH.

The Co-op was established in 1984 as a clearinghouse for current, up to
date information and a source of technical and marketing assistance in
the general areas of waste reduction and recycling. With over 300
members (municipalities, individuals, and businesses) located in New
Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts and Southern Maine, the Co-op provides
its membership with Cooperative Marketing, Cooperative Purchasing and
Educational and Networking Opportunities.

The Co-op's most important educational and networking opportunity, as
well as the reason for my e-mail, is our annual recycling conference.
This year, the Co-op will be hosting its 23rd Annual Conference and
Exposition on June 7-8, 2004 at the Waterville Valley Resort and
Conference Center (Waterville Valley, NH). The Conference and Exposition
was rated as one of the "Best in the Nation" by Resource Recycling
Magazine (May 2000) for its willingness to "look into cutting-edge
issues" and "bringing a regional perspective" to recycling and solid
waste issues.

The Conference consists of a number of interactive, educational
workshops/breakout sessions which focus on all aspects of the recycling
and solid waste industry! At this year's Conference, we would like to
provide a workshop/breakout session on the concept of "Zero Waste".
Unfortunately, I am not that familiar with "Zero Waste" programs and was
wondering if anyone knew of a "Zero Waste" program in the Northeast or
if anyone had any suggestions on who may be interested in speaking at
our Conference. We typically have between 400-600 attendees to the
Conference each year and are expecting this year's to be one of our best

Thank you in advance for any assistance in this matter. For more
information regarding the Conference or our organization in general,
please visit our web site at

Also, does anyone have any current contact information for Barbara J.
Stevens of Ecodata (NYC)?


Todd J. Ellis, Assistant Director
Northeast Resource Recovery Association (The Co-op)
9 Bailey Road
Chichester, NH 03258
Telephone: 603/798-5777
Fax: 603/798-5744

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