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At 09:58 AM 3/11/2004 -0800, SPENDELOW Peter H wrote:
To Nancy Meyer and the GRRN list- [good comments on pyrolysis.] As a side note to Alan Muller of Green Delaware, I don't think that claims of converting sewage or other wastes into energy implies any violation of the laws of thermodynamics. I think that the proponents are simply implying that you can take a product that is not very valuable as a fuel, and by putting it through some process, come up with products which are much more valuable as fuels. If only the reality of these operations was as good as the claims and projections..... That is what THEY would say when challenged. But in fact they are often, if not usually, trying to get naive people to think that garbage goes in one end of the magic machine and electricity comes out the other. One can say it is sad that so many people are so ill-educated as to be susceptible to such arguments.....but there it is. am Peter Spendelow |
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