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At 11:16 AM 3/11/2004 -0500, JRay3@no.address wrote:
CWT is real, and their project at the Butterball Turkey plant in Carthage, MO The two papers on the site are interesting, but it is not clear, on a quick read, to what extent they reflect actual operating results. A Google search will bring up plenty of opinions on the matter, including one But it seems you are confusing the depolymerization of turkey fat (which I think might be doable...) with the incineration of turkey litter (excrement plus wood chips). This is hardly the same thing. Biodiesel from turkey fat can be a legitimate ingredient in creating a modern Maybe so. but the company claims to process "(offal, blood, feathers, bones, DAF skimming, grease, etc)" Lets seem some material/energy balances for the process. An lets see the air permits. Dismissing all forms of energy recovery from waste without a more careful examination of each Who is doing that.? But that vast majority of cases, when examined, turn out to be undesirable, and are usually some deceptively-repackaged form of incineration. This CWT process has been so over-hyped than experienced people are bound to be dubious. Let's hope that there is something useful and beneficial in it. Alan Muller |
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