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This expose about industry corruption of the technical process in regard to chromium standards in New Jersey restores faith in the core capacity and continuing vitality of the media when inspired. I can only provide excerpts here, but strongly encourage everyone to go to the Star-Ledger's web page to review the full article. I would also like to encourage everyone to pass the article along to their circle of collegues and friends. Peter http://www.nj.com/news/ledger/index.ssf?/base/news-13/1078653000253560.xml Star-Ledger March 7, 2004 Weakened rules a boon to 3 polluters Work of scientist paid by the firms viewed skeptically by other experts BY ALEXANDER LANE Star-Ledger Staff Early last decade, three companies responsible for widespread chromium pollution in Hudson and Essex counties faced a decision. They could spend hundreds of millions of dollars cleaning up contaminated sites, or they could try to persuade the state Department of Environmental Protection to relax its limits on the cancer-causing toxin. The companies -- now known as Honeywell, PPG Industries Inc. and Maxus Energy Corp. -- chose the second option and hired a California scientist named Dennis Paustenbach to press their case. Over the next decade, Paustenbach and his team of scientists succeeded wildly. When they started out, New Jersey's limit for the most dangerous form of chromium was 10 parts per million in soil. Now it has reached 6,100 parts per million -- among the least stringent standards in the nation. The DEP's policy change -- forged gradually under the administrations of Govs. James Florio and Christie Whitman -- saved the companies an estimated $1 billion in cleanup costs. In some cases, they have been able to walk away from polluted sites without removing a single shovelful of dirt. The companies and Paustenbach maintain they succeeded through sound science. "We published 20 or 30 papers," said Paustenbach, who has a doctorate in environmental toxicology from Purdue University. "That information is used throughout the world to make decisions on contaminated soil." But a close look at his work in New Jersey, including interviews with dozens of state scientists and outside experts, shows that the state's revised chromium standards were not simply the product of new scientific research. Scientists at the state's environmental agency said supervisors sided with Paustenbach and his team at nearly every turn. Lobbying records show the companies poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into changing politicians' minds about chromium. Independent scientists remain skeptical of Paustenbach's chromium research, and have launched their own studies into his central claims. Give and take between hired scientists and regulators is routine in the world of environmental protection. As the dangers of some industrial chemicals came to be more widely understood in the 1970s and '80s, government agencies at times imposed severe limits, only to loosen the restrictions after scientists developed more definitive data. What sets the 15-year struggle over New Jersey's chromium rules apart from similar disputes is the magnitude of the companies' effort to influence state policy, and the lingering questions about the quality of their science. ______________________________ Peter Anderson RECYCLEWORLDS CONSULTING Corp 4513 Vernon Blvd. Suite 15 Madison, WI 53705 Ph: (608) 231-1100 Fax: (608) 233-0011 Cell (608) 438-9062 email: anderson@no.address |
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