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RE: [greenyes] Question on application for a Dell recycling grant
Here is the information for the application:

"DMA" stands for "designated market area" or "demographic market area". This
geographic designation is used by A.C. Nielsen, a global marketing
information company, to specify which counties comprise a specific
television market. The term is also used to describe groups of cities and
counties that share infrastructure, media, and services. Contact your local
chamber of commerce or county communications office to determine the
estimated population of your DMA.

More information is available at or at


-----Original Message-----
From: Reindl, John [mailto:Reindl@no.address]
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 14:14
To: 'GreenYes@no.address'
Cc: 'Jon.Tulman@no.address'
Subject: [greenyes] Question on application for a Dell recycling grant

A community in Wisconsin is asking for some help in understanding what the
term "DMA" means in the application for a grant from Dell to recycle

The application asks for three lines of information on population:

 	Population of event city
 	Population of event county
 	Population of event DMA

Any information would be most welcome.

John Reindl
Dane County, WI 

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