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[greenyes] GAIA ACTION Alert: Support Slovenian
- Subject: [greenyes] GAIA ACTION Alert: Support Slovenian
- From: "Gigie Cruz" <gigie.gaia@no.address>
- Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2003 14:54:25 +0800
- Priority: normal
Dear Friends,
Support Slovenian NGO Action towards a Healthy and Sustainable
Waste Management Program
Zivjo (hello in Slovene) from Ljubljana and Manila.
The Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives / Global Anti-Incinerator
Alliance (GAIA), the Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development
(Umanotera) and other NGOs in Slovenia are jointly issuing this Action
Alert to seek your very important endorsement of the NGO position paper as
regards the "Draft Operational Programme on Waste Disposal with Strategy
on Reduction of Biodegradable Waste to Landfill, 2003-2008" or OP. The
support of concerned groups in Slovenia and other countries is being
sought to bolster the local campaign towards a more progressive waste
prevention and reduction approach in the country, which excludes waste
incineration. Please send your endorsement before 15 September 2003.
Background Information:
Slovenia, which adopted strategic guidelines on waste management in
1996, is in the process of crafting a new one that will be consistent
thepolicies and directives of the European Union. In June 2003, the
Ministry of Environmental, Spatial Planning and Energy (MoE)
published the draft OP. A core component of the OP is the construction of
two incinerators for municipal waste in Kidricevo and Trbovlje, regions
with already degraded environment and regressed economy. If plans push
through, these incinerators will be operational by 2008 or 2009. As a
result, 55% of generated waste will be sent to incinerators for the next
20-25 years! Slovenia generates aproximately 1,050.000 tonnes of waste
per year that end up on landfills, 840,000 tonnes of which are municipal
solid waste.
The MoE actively promotes and supports the incineration of waste as
"low cost" and "environment-friendly" technique for managing waste.
Because of this partiality to the burn approach, the OP has laid down low
recycling targets and practically set no waste prevention measures. Local
NGOs view the policy of the Ministry as a direct attack on the efforts of
local communities and other stakeholders in the waste management chain to
achieve efficient waste segregation and recycling in Slovenia. Healthy and
sustainable options for managing discards are available, which do not harm
human health and the environment, create new jobs, and cut the use of
often non-renewable natural resources.
Recommendations of Slovenian NGOs:
The following are the 9-point recommendations that the Slovenian
NGOs have forwarded to the MoE:
1) OP should aim for 80% waste diversion from landfills by 2015. For
that period, the moratorium on all types of waste incineration has to be
enforced. 2) OP should include measures and targets with timetable
directed at increasing the volume of all separately collected materials,
with special emphasis on the toxic fraction of waste. 3) OP should strive
for a completed study on dioxin levels in the environment and the human
body by the end of 2004. 4) OP should include the evaluation of the
potential social impacts of waste incineration to affected regions, and
consider appropriate compensation since these regions are taking the
environmental risks. 5) OP should incorporate a detailed plan to establish
an open dialogue with all interested stakeholders on different waste
management options. It should not promote only the option that the most
powerful stakeholder considers as adequate. 6) OP should contain a
proposal to integrate extended producer responsibility into Slovenian
waste management legislation. 7) OP, when evaluating the reduction of
green-house gas emissions, should consider all green-house gases and the
impact of different waste management options. 8) OP, when discussing the
impact of waste incineration on the energy production, should conduct an
exact evaluation of the energy produced and energy lost from burning
waste, and should further take into account the entire life-cycle of
products and/or their packaging. 9) OP should estimate possibilities of
decreasing the biodegradable waste to landfill by: * Promoting intensive
segregation of biodegradable waste at source,=B7 Introducing backyard
composting, * Building small local composting facilities, * Initiating
other innovative non-combustion treatment technologies for biodegradable
waste. * Supporting information and education programmes for local
communities and households.
To read the complete NGO position paper (1,564 words), please
request a copy from the GAIA Secretariat.
Suggested Action :
To support the Slovenian NGO campaign, please e-mail the GAIA
Secretariat to convey your endorsement of their position paper.
Required information: 1) full name of your organization, 2) your
designated representative, 3) her/his position in the organization, 4) e-
mail, mailing address and phone and fax numbers. DEADLINE: 15 September
GAIA members and friends who have the time to comment on the
specific components of the OP are encouraged to do so. You may
send your comments to the government of Slovenia through Minister
Janez Kopac of the MoE (janez.kopac@no.address) Please cc your letter to
jani.zore@no.address (the
ministry staff in charge of collecting comments on
the OP) and also to Umanotera (erika@no.address) and to GAIA
(manny.gaia@no.address burn.org).
Hvala vam (thank you in Slovene) and wishing you success in your
work to save the planet.
Manny C. Calonzo
Assistant Coordinator
Erika Oblak
Managing Director
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