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RE: [greenyes] US Postal office
I believe it's really important that recycling doesn't happen "in the
back." The public needs to know that the Post Office is recycling, and
people won't believe it--or know about it--if the staff does it for
them.  This is an important public education function the P.O.s can
provide.   For most people, it's no big deal to simply toss their junk
mail into the bins next to the boxes where they retrieve their mail.  My
two-cents (stamp) worth!

Heidi Feldman
Public Education Coordinator
Monterey Regional Waste Management District
Tel.: 831/384-5313     FAX: 831/384-3567

-----Original Message-----
From: CORRI GOTTESMAN [mailto:corrigott@no.address] 
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 10:00 AM
To: greenyes@no.address
Subject: [greenyes] US Postal office

 Hello-- Is there also a ban on recycling "behind the house" in US
Postal offices or is it limited to "in front of the house", i.e, the
public lobby?  

I too want to encourage activism about this.  Shouldn't we all be
calling 1-2 centralized numbers instead of our local numbers in order to
make an impact?

Corri Gottesman, Philadelphia

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