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Re: [greenyes] Cyber Resources Re Waste Policies and Climate Change
This is to let everyone on the GreenYes list who has an interest in the
relationship of waste policies to climate change know that the links
referenced in my Recycling in Cyberspace column on this topic have been
posted to the RR Website:

Roger M. Guttentag

----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Anderson <anderson@no.address>
To: GreenYes <greenyes@no.address>
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 2:21 PM
Subject: [greenyes] Cyber Resources Re Waste Policies and Climate Change

> Our indominable cyber-wiz, Roger Guttentag, reports that the "August 2003
> edition of Resource Recycling magazine will have a Recycling in Cyberspace
> column that is devoted to Web accessible information resources on the
> relationship between solid waste management practices and climate
> change impacts."

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