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Re: [greenyes] Cyber Resources Re Waste Policies and Climate Change
I appreciate Peter's comments about how political factors can influence the
analysis of scientific data.  Since I am aware of this issue with respect to
the USEPA data I took two approaches with respect to the development of this

1. I made sure, where possible,  that the Web links I provided in the column
pointed to source documentation so that those who have the patience and
knowledge can, as Peter suggests, look at the source data and make
appropriate adjustments.

2. I also provided links to sources of data on the relationship between
climate change and waste management that were developed outside of the
USEPA - specifically Environment Canada and the European Union.  The Env.
Canada report on this topic does not appear to be online but I could find a
reference on how it can be ordered.  The EU report is available online and I
recommend that anyone who has an interest in this topic to download and read
it.  I am not an expert on this topic but it appears that they take a much
harder look at the issue of landfilling and GHG's by examining the data with
carbon sequestration effects included and then excluded.  Not unexpectantly,
with respect to the latter scenario, landfilling does not come out looking
too good.

These links will be posted soon on the Resource Recycling website at:

Roger M. Guttentag

----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Anderson <anderson@no.address>
To: GreenYes <greenyes@no.address>
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 2:21 PM
Subject: [greenyes] Cyber Resources Re Waste Policies and Climate Change

> Our indominable cyber-wiz, Roger Guttentag, reports that the "August 2003
> edition of Resource Recycling magazine will have a Recycling in Cyberspace
> column that is devoted to Web accessible information resources on the
> relationship between solid waste management practices and climate
> change impacts."
> Be aware that most of these resources have built in default values for
> landfills that are, in my view, completely indefensible, and, have the
> effect of understating landfilling's methane contribution to greenhouse
> gases by factors of 4 or more.  Fortunately, the EPA group which has
> prepared these spreadsheet vehicles have included the ability for the user
> to modify those default values.  Look for an input value for gas
> efficiency or gas capture rates, where most likely the default value will
> something in the order of 75%.  The correct number is closer to 15%.
> This means that the global warming benefit of composting the organic
> fraction of our discards instead of landfilling them is far far greater
> these models indicate when the defaults are used.
>                                                         Peter
> ______________________________
> Peter Anderson
> 4513 Vernon Blvd. Suite 15
> Madison, WI 53705
> Ph:    (608) 231-1100
> Fax:   (608) 233-0011
> Cell    (608) 438-9062
> email: anderson@no.address
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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