Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 12:07:51 -0500
From: "Ken Zarker" <KZARKER@no.address>
To: <NPPR@no.address>, <p2tech@no.address>
Join business, industry, government, and nongovernmental organizations at
the premier "Learning Together" Workshop on Environmental Management
Systems (EMS) and Environmental Innovation in San Antonio, Texas on June
2-4, 2003.
Register online at to take advantage of the extended early
registration rate of $245.00 for the three day training opportunity.
Hotel reservations must be made by calling
The Adam's Mark San Antonio Hotel is offering a rate of $91.00/111.00 plus
tax single/double per night. Please ask for the "Learning Together
Workshop" room block to receive this rate.
The Multi-State Working Group on Environmental Management Systems and the
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in cooperation with the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency and the Commission on Environmental
Cooperation are pleased to host the upcoming workshop.
Some of the highlighted speakers include:
Robert J. Huston, Chairman, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Steve Elbert, President, BP Group Environmental Management Company
Ian Johnson, Vice President, World Bank
Raul Arriaga, Subsecretario of Environmental Management, SEMARNAT
Raul Rodriquez, Managing Director, North American Development Bank
Other highlights:
- Three EMS & Innovations tracks: Big Picture, Hands On, and Innovating
and Partnering
- A facilitated MSWG World Café interactive session
- Optional June 4 "Performance-based EMS Workshop" sponsored by TCEQ
Meet and listen to EMS and Innovations leaders from the following leading
organizations, including:
American Chemistry Council
Audubon International
Canadian Center for Pollution Prevention
Commission on Environmental Cooperation
Department of Defense
England Environmental Agency
Mexico Pollution Prevention Roundtable
National Park Service
National Pollution Prevention Roundtable
Natural Resources Defense Council
Pacific Institute
Performance Track Participants Association
Port of Houston
Registrar Accreditation Board
Rockwell Automation
Sonoma County
Silicon Valley Environmental Partnership
States of Colorado, Georgia, New York, and Texas
Tennessee Valley Authority
University of North Carolina
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Wisconsin Energy Corporation