From: "Earth Day Network " <no-reply@no.address>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 03 13:46:43 GMT
Dear Friends,
Earth Day is only a few days away! This Earth Day, we have a real
opportunity to show the world that millions of us care about our
environment and are working together peacefully for a better future.
Stuck on what to do for Earth Day?
If you want to do one thing on Earth Day, Register to Vote! Your vote is
your voice, make it count for the environment.
<>Register to vote now!
Global warming is the gravest threat to the environment today. Join
Environmental Defense's Emergency Campaign on Global Warming to do
something about it.
here to sign the petition.
Visit Earth Day Network's Database of Events, and see what people are
doing around the world to celebrate Earth Day. To find out about more
events around the world, visit
Whatever you choose to do for Earth Day, we want to hear from you! If you
haven't already sent us your event information, please register your Earth
Day events at:
nup/event-login.asp. Can't remember your password AND your login
information? Email olaughlin@no.address for help.
More useful Earth Day tools, news, and information:
- Read the
Day Declaration on Water
- Pick up some pointers on <>how to organize
an Earth Day event
- Join our <>Water for
Life campaign
- To purchase eco-gifts that support Earth Day Network,
<>click here.
- <|1412-0>Donate
to Earth Day network, and receive a free Peter Max print!
Several new media tools are available for network members including a
sample op-ed on water, advice for writing op-ed pieces, and a downloadable
poster on water for life. Visit the
<>Earth Day Network Pressroom
This year, Earth Day Network and CSRwire are pleased to announce a special
offer to help you get the word out about your activities related to Earth
Day 2003. CSRwire is a globally syndicated press release and non-financial
report distribution service targeting Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR). Earth Day Network members can post their 2003 Earth Day press
releases for FREE on CSR Wire. Please send your press releases to
sales@no.address or call 802-251-0110 for more information.
Thank you for being part of the Earth Day 2003 campaign! Together, who
says we can't change the world?
The Earth Day Team
Earth Day Network
1616 P St., NW Suite 200
Washington, DC 20036
TEL: 202-518-0044
FAX: 202-518-8794
If you would like to subscribe to the Earth Day Newsletter, please send an
email with the subject line "subscribe" to subscribe-edn@no.address
If you would like to unsubscribe from the Earth Day Newsletter, please
send an email with the subject line "unsubscribe" to