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[greenyes] Earth Day Events Feature Worms
- Subject: [greenyes] Earth Day Events Feature Worms
- From: Mary Appelhof <mappelho@no.address>
- Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 21:55:04 -0400
For more information contact Mary Appelhof
KALAMAZOO, MI. March brings a full moon known as the Worm Moon
according to ancient Algonquin lore. April brings Earth Day in more
modern times. Mary Appelhof, aka Worm Woman, and 50 other adults
will bring worms and kids together when they read "Compost, By Gosh!"
to kids on Earth Day and beyond at various events across the
continent and in the Philippines and New Zealand.
Founded 33 years ago by Senator Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day will be
celebrated on April 22 around the world with events designed to
increase people's awareness of our earth, its waters, its air, its
soil, its plants and animals. Hundreds of children across the
continent will learn about earthworms and how they turn food waste
into plant food in a program called Worm Powering Kids sponsored by
Flowerfield Enterprises and Flower Press in Kalamazoo.
Worm Powering Kids is designed to empower, educate, and entertain
kids by having adults read to them Michelle Portman's new children's
book, "Compost, By Gosh!" (Flower Press, 2003) According to The Book
Reader, this book is "A charming, light-hearted guide to serious
composting for today's ecology-minded child." In addition to the 50
adults, sixth graders from the Rising Stars team in Hillsborough NC
will read "Compost, By Gosh!" to younger kids. They will also make
vermicompost tea bags to distribute to plant lovers around
Hillsborough as part of their Earth Day activities.
"Compost, By Gosh! An Adventure in Vermicomposting," was inspired by
Mary Appelhof's book, "Worms Eat My Garbage" which has sold over
150,000 copies since its first publication in 1982. Internationally
recognized for her 30-year effort to "Change the way the world thinks
about garbage. . . to think of it as a resource," Appelhof said
publishing Portman's "Compost, By Gosh!" helps further her mission
by reaching out to kids who tend to love worms, and who want a safe,
green earth to live on.
The Worm Powering Kids team has been assembled electronically through
Mary Appelhof's website at http://www.wormwoman.com and through her
electronic newsletter which she calls her WormEzine. People who have
signed up to read "Compost, By Gosh!" include teachers, parents,
community recycling coordinators, Earth Day event participants,
students, and even a brother. The book will be read in schools,
Sunday school classes, environmental education centers, wildlife
sanctuaries, compost garden demo sites and Brownie troops. Kids will
learn about how redworms can turn food waste into plant food in
Michigan, California, North Carolina, New Jersey, Colorado, Illinois,
New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington, Wisconsin,
Georgia, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, and Tennessee. In Canada,
future vermicomposters will come from Ontario and British Columbia
after hearing the book. Guaranteed!
To find out where members of the Worm Powering Kids team are reading
in your worm burrow, follow the Worm Powering Kids links at
http://www.wormwoman.com You can also sign up to schedule an event
after Earth Day. . . after all, if we're going to heal this planet
with earthworms, we need to make every day Earth Day!
"Compost, By Gosh!" by Michelle Portman ISBN 0-942256-16-6 and
"Worms Eat My Garbage" by Mary Appelhof ISBN 0-942256-10-7 are
available from Flower Press, 10332 Shaver Road, Kalamazoo, MI 49024,
and can be ordered by phone at 269-327-0108, FAX 269-327-7009, or by
visiting her website at http://www.wormwoman.com
Mary Appelhof, Author of "Worms Eat My Garbage"
Flowerfield Enterprises/Flower Press,10332 Shaver Road,Kalamazoo, MI 49024 USA
PLEASE NOTE NEW AREA CODE: PH:269-327-0108 FAX 269-327-7009
". . . changing the way the world thinks about garbage. . ."
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