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[greenyes] in defense of glass-choice
- Subject: [greenyes] in defense of glass-choice
- From: EarthGB@no.address
- Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 05:23:34 EDT
I fully appreciate the various difficulties from glass in single stream, or
other recycling systems.
But this discussion has missed the boat completely on the matter of consumer
choice (preference). I for one do not like to buy things--especially
food/beverage products for human consumption--packaged in plastic, or for
that matter, in any other overly complex, multi-material packaging.
It's not just the recyclability aspect. I believe that glass is an
impervious material that does not leach anything, or impart its taste, into
whatever the consumable product is. In other words, it's a safer food
product package. It's getting harder to do, but I hold out for glass
packaging as much as possible, choosing glass, changing product, or just not
buying a product anymore if it goes to plastic.
For instance, I will only buy carbonated mineral water in glass bottles. Not
in aluminum cans, which you can't reclose (so part of the water goes flat
before I can finish it). And not in PET, because when you open a PET btl
with carbonated beverage in it, half the carbonation escapes upon opening,
which also guarantees that about half the product will go flat before I can
finish it.
The same for other consumables in glass. If I can get vitamins in glass, I
choose this over plastic. By the way, have you noticed that many dietary
supplement product plastic bottles are only half full of product? Sometimes
they'll sell you "two for the price of one" with the 2 btls plastic-wrapped
together. I fell for this a couple times, then checked & all the product
from the 2 btls fit into 1 bottle. So much for the claim by plastics
producers that plastic reduces shipping weight/space & therefore saves
shipping costs/fuel.
I greatly appreciate the companies that still package their products in
glass, & believe, tho I'm not a scientist, that glass is the pure package.
There are many postings regularly on this & other lists about the nasties in
plastics & what they can do to food contents & our health. I really think
recycling/waste management planning should take this health aspect into
account, not just the economics that have been discussed.
Now that I understand the problems caused by glass in single stream
collections, I've stopped putting my non-redemption glass containers into the
recycling cart. The redemption items still go out to the alley in a separate
bag for "alley entrepreneurs" to easily collect (& believe me, they do).
I'm a hardcore recycler, so will take the extra trouble to deliver my
separated other glass to a drop-off. I understand many people will not take
this trouble, so believe it's up to us recycling planners to keep working out
better recovery systems. If we want to keep the option of glass food
packaging, then we should keep glass in recycling collections. Otherwise, we
help the plastics industry kill off what's left of the glass industry.
My two cents worth.
Gretchen Brewer
Earth Circle
San Diego, CA
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