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[greenyes] Michael Moore Quote
- Subject: [greenyes] Michael Moore Quote
- From: RicAnthony@no.address
- Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 18:44:22 EDT
Some of you were asking for the direct quote.
Page 120-121, Stupid White Men by Michael Moore
Chapter 6
Nice Planet, Nobody Home
I'd like to begin this chapter by revealing what I believe is one of
the greatest threats currently facing our environment.
That's right-I'm a walking ecological nightmare.
I am the Mother of All Bhopals!
Let's start with this: I don't recycle.
I think recycling is like going to church-you show up once a week, it
makes you feel good, and you've done your duty. Then you can get back to all
the fun of sinning!
Let me ask you this: do you honestly know where all those newspapers go
after you drop them off at the recycling center, or where you soda pop
bottles end up after you put them in the blue recycling containers? To some
facility that will recycle them? Says who?
Have you ever followed the truck that picks up your recyclables to see where
it goes?
Do you care? Is it enough for you to separate your glass from your plastic,
your paper from your metals-and then leave the follow-through to someone
I will never cease to be amazed at the lemming like nature of human
beings and our unquestioning obedience to authority. If the sign says
Recycle, we do our part, and assume everything we put in there will be
recycled. If the trash can is blue, we figure that's a surefire guarantee
that the glass jars we place in there will be crushed, melted down, and made
into new bottles of Ragu.
Well, think again.
One night, coming home late from work, I witnessed the garbage men
tossing those earnestly clear blue garbage bags full of glass into their
truck's crusher along with all the other garbage. I asked the guy who works
in our building if that was normal.
"They got a lot of garbage to pick up," he said. "Sometimes they don't
have time to separate everything."
I wondered if this was just an anomaly-or the norm. Here's a few things
I found out:
In the mid-1990's, Indian environmental activists discovered that Pepsi
was creating a complicated waste disposal problem in their country. Used
plastic from Pepsi bottles turned in for recycling in the United States was
being shipped over to India to be recycled back into Pepsi bottles or other
plastic containers. But the senior manager of the Futura Industry factory
outside of Madras, where most of the waste was being dumped, admitted that
much of it was never actually recycled. To make matters worse, at around the
same time the truth about the recycling was revealed, the company announced
that it was going to open a company in India that would manufacture-of
course-single-use disposable bottles for export to the United States and
Europe, leaving toxic byproducts behind in India. So while India has been
bearing the environmental and health burdens, consumers in industrialized
countries continue using plastic products without suffering any of the
drawbacks. And all the while we consumers cruise blissfully along, confident
that we're improving the environment by "recycling".
In another instance, a magazine in San Francisco contracted with a paper
recycler to pick up all its white waste paper each month. When one employee
followed the trash out the door one day, he saw that the paper intended for
recycling was being tossed in with the discarded McDonald's wrappers and
Starbucks cups. When confronted about it, the waste recycling company denied
In 1999 an investigation of what happens to all the waste created by
Congress (insert your own joke here) discovered that 71 percent of the 2,670
tons of paper used that year by the legislative branch was not recycled
because it had been mixed in with food waste and other nonrecyclable
materials. That same year up to 5,000 tons of glass bottles, aluminum cans,
cardboard, and other recyclable waste on Capitol Hill was simply dumped in a
landfill, no questions asked. Had Congress properly recycled these products,
it could have saved taxpayers up to $700,000.
In instance after instance, I found the same thing. No real recycling
was taking place. We were being conned.
So I stopped recycling. I came to the conclusion that when I recycled,
what I was really doing was letting myself off the hook. As long as I did my
little paper-glass-metal separation duty, I wasn't required to do anything
else to save Planet Earth. Once my bottles and cans and newspapers were
deposited in the appropriately colored barrels, I could press reset on my
conscience and trust that someone else would do the rest of the job. Out of
sight, out of mind, back inside my gas-guzzling minivan.
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