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RE: [greenyes] Sorry - as a general lurker
Hi Terri ~

Since I only have a fixed amount of time and money, I must choose how to
allocate these resources. So, I can't do all items (newspapers, glass,
plastic, metal, computers, batteries, tennis shoes, carpeting, thermostats
on and on).

I must make choices and the question that I pose to the list is how to make
these choices -- weight of material, volume of material, environmental
impact of material, economics, political pressure, or what other criteria
separately or mixed together (and, if mixed together, how to assign relative
values to the various criteria).

Does anyone have any suggestions?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steen, Terri - Contractor [mailto:Terri_Steen@no.address]
> Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 1:50 PM
> To: GRRN - GreenYes
> Subject: RE: [greenyes] Sorry - as a general lurker
> Not to add to or create any confusion, but I don't think the 
> categories in
> John's question are mutually exclusive.  Sure, it is 
> obviously important to
> deal with mercury, but that doesn't rule out also diverting 
> and recycling
> glass, aluminum, and other things.  Once again, market 
> forces, local issues,
> politics, geography, and a host of other factors come into 
> play.  Someone on
> this list mentioned that in parts of the Midwest (sorry I 
> can't remember the
> details) there actually was a sand shortage.  Since (or once) 
> they've banned
> mercury and dealt with proper disposal of it, it could be 
> more important to
> divert glass to offset the sand shortage.  
> Terri 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: C E F G :-) [mailto:hither@no.address] 
> Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 2:33 PM
> To: GRRN - GreenYes; Reindl@no.address
> Subject: RE: [greenyes] Sorry - as a general lurker
> "For example, is it more important to divert a ton of glass, a ton of
> aluminum or a ton of mercury (or even a hundred pounds of mercury)?"
> As eloquently as possible.....
> John, no offense intended I just want to make sure that other 
> readers DO
> NOT get confused, which is something I see happen here often.
> Regards... C. William
>   #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #  #
> "Make every day an Earth Day."
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