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[greenyes] Richard Anthony Associates (RAA) challenges
- Subject: [greenyes] Richard Anthony Associates (RAA) challenges
- From: RicAnthony@no.address
- Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 12:17:37 EST
Richard Anthony Associates (RAA) challenges recycling consultants and small
recycling businesses to sponsor this years CRRA Conference at the
silver level. ?? This level brings your group conference recognition,
an exhibit booth and two full conference registrations. ?? RAA will commit to
sponsor at the Silver level.
The Grassroots Recycling Network challenges non profits and large
Recycling businesses to meet or match its $5,000 Gold level
sponsorship for this years CRRA Conference. ? At this Level GRRN will
get a booth and 4 full registrations as well as recognition in the
conference program and other promotional materials
This years conference "On the road to Zero Waste, Choose to Recycle
More," will focus on bringing unity in the recycling industry as we
enter the era of producer responsibility and zero waste. ??
RAA will support CRRA at the Silver level, and GRRN will support CRRA
at the gold level, we hope you can meet or better our challenge.
Here are the conference links
<A HREF="http://crra.com/2003conf/CRRAbrochure.pdf";>CRRA 2003 Conference Sponsorship Information (pdf)</A> Early Bird Registration
Due by February 28, 2003
<A HREF="http://crra.com/2003conf/callforpapers.html";>Call For Papers</A>
<A HREF="http://crra.com/2003conf/earlybird_attendee.html";>Attendee</A>
<A HREF="http://crra.com/2003conf/earlybird_exhibitor.html";>Exhibitor</A>
<A HREF="http://crra.com/2003conf/ExhibitProspectus2_7_03cls.pdf";>Exhibitor Prospectus</A>(pdf)
Richard Anthony Associates
3891 Kendall Street
San Diego CA 92109
858 272 2905 (P)
858 272 3709 (F)
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