--- Begin Message ---
- Subject: RE: [GreenYes] Re: EPA's arrogance
- From: "SPENDELOW Peter H" <SPENDELOW.Peter@no.address>
- Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 19:13:40 -0800
- Thread-index: AcLOU24sa5CQobR3TVe5Kd1tcl/5awAAS6uQ
- Thread-topic: [GreenYes] Re: EPA's arrogance
Title: Message
Oops. I made a
mistake. When you said EPA, I thought you were referring to the United
States Environmental Protection Agency - not the state agency. I had
forgotten that the state agency was also called (Illinois) Environmental
Protection Agency.
The Illinois agency
is like my own state agency. It would be more appropriate for them to
participate than for the United State EPA to participate.
I bet lots of other
people made the same mistake I did. Your email criticizes the state agency
(or more specifically, the lack of interest in your project by one employee of
that state agency). However, most people, like me, will read it as
criticism of the national EPA. The state agency is not a branch of
the national agency. Instead, it is a branch of your state government. You
should post a note on the listserv stating that your comments referred only to
the Illinois State agency, not the US EPA.
On another note, did
you try contacting anyone from your local government solid waste program?
In Oregon, most of the recycling educators are working either for the counties,
for a couple of the larger cities, or for the local garbage companies that also
provide recycling services. These are the people who would be most likely
to participate in an event like yours.
Oregon Department of
Environmental Quality
I asked them to participate
or for some ideas for activities if they were unable to participate. I was told
that they do educational presentations, but only Monday through Friday. I feel
as though the EPA should take some responsibility in teaching children about the
environment, especially to that large of a number of children. Even though
it is on a weekend, I feel that a governmental agency (especially the EPA)
should be jumping at an opportunity of this magnitude. The woman that I spoke to
(the educational coordinator) said she has done educational programs before for
a much smaller number of kids, but is not willing to do this because it is a
weekend. I feel that I as well as most other people would rather our tax dollars
are used to pay the EPA to educate 5,000 kids as opposed to a classroom of 25.
She was also not willing to give me any information on activities or even so
much as donate some pencils made from recycled blue jeans and currency which
they give out to kids in classrooms. I was very nice and extremely frustrated
with her attitude by the time I got off the phone and felt very betrayed as this
is our government that operates on our tax dollars.
What frustrated me
the most was not that she wouldn't do an educational activity because it is a
weekend, but that her whole demeaner was negative and she was not willing to do
so much as offer ideas or activities. She said that the EPA does not concentrate
their efforts on recycling and she could not help. I explained that the
recycling was one component of the program and it is just the catalyst that has
opened the door for this wonderful educational opportunity, which will provide
education about all areas of environmental responsibilty. I thought that the EPA
would be a wonderful source of information for the children on many issues that
affect the environment and our future.
I understand that it is the
Illinois EPA and not the US EPA, but feel as though that the EPA, both Illinois
and US EPA, should be taking a proative approach to education and the
environment rather than a reactive approach. The venue attracts over 5,000 children throughout Saturday
and Sunday of the Festival and is a wonderful opportunity to educate a large
number of children about environmental responsibility. Normally, I would not
have posted this to GreenYes or criticized them for not participating. If they
are unable to due to not having enough help or otherwise, that is fine, I
understand, as I said, I also asked for ideas for activities since they were
unable to participate, but the woman that I spoke to had no interest in
providing any type of educational material, whether it be directly or
"Never doubt that a small group of
thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only
thing that ever has." Margaret Meed
Producer of Illinois's
largest music festival, On the Waterfront, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization
whose mission is Community Advancement Through Celebration. On the Waterfront
has helped local Not-for-Profits raise over $7 million since 1986.
--- End Message ---