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Re: [GreenYes] Wax OCC for Firewood/Logs
Here's another reference:

E-Z Lite Logs

Roger M. Guttentag
----- Original Message -----
> Does anyone know of a company that is using OCC to make logs to start
> in a fireplace - or logs of some sort?  I seem to recall that there were a
> few of these types of start-ups in the past few years and I'm wondering if
> they are still around and how they are doing. Are the economics/marketing
> these recycled products working?? Does anyone know who I can contact??
> Thanks so much,
> Christine McCoy
> Director, Environmental Programs
> Rural Community Assistance Program
> 1522 K Street, NW #400
> Washington, DC  20005
> Phone: 202/408-1273 ext. 104
> Fax: 202/408-8165
> Email:

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