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RE: [GreenYes] unmanned recycling drop-offs
- Subject: RE: [GreenYes] unmanned recycling drop-offs
- From: Tom Rhodes <tom.rhodes@ncmail.net>
- Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 11:49:05 -0400
G'day Brian,
I've had experience with both manned and unmanned drop-offs. In my
opinion, concerning the contamination issue, the staffed sites are
definitely the way to go. Unstaffed sites can create a burdensome task in
the way of having to clean up or even outright dispose of the contaminated
commodities collected. Even with manned sites, you must take great care to
educate site attendants in how to properly manage the materials collected
and especially how to deal with the public. If you decide to go with
unmanned sites, remember to use good signage on collection containers and
work closely with the local media to educate the public. Mobile and
stationary drop-offs can be effective if you place personnel at the
collection point for the first month or so and then gradually reduce their
time at the site. This will give them time to educate the patrons using the
site with one-on-one contact. Make sure staff members are well armed with
literature in information for the patrons. Once a good habit pattern by
patrons is established at the site, it may be possible to maintain that
level of material quality with only periodic visits to the collection point
by personnel.
Best of luck with the project.
Kindest regards,
Tom Rhodes
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Pugh [mailto:bpugh@ci.fayetteville.ar.us]
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 10:23 AM
To: greenyes@grrn.org
Subject: [GreenYes] unmanned recycling drop-offs
Hello everyone,
Recently I was asked about our community developing unmanned recycling
drop-offs around our town in a effort to provide a better service to our
residents, especially those in multifamily dwellings. Personally I've
had little success with unmanned areas because of contamination issues.
Are there communities out there that have had success with unmanned
areas? Also, I'd like to hear from thoses communities who have not had
success with unmanned areas. Thanks.
Brian Pugh
Waste Reduction Coordinator
Fayetteville Solid Waste and Recycling
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