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Re: [GreenYes] Gas 'n guzzling
Tell it like it is Nicky!  
And since I started the SUV thing this time on GreenYes: it stands for "Sport 
Utility Vehicle." 
There are ka-jillions of them on the roads in the US now--they are 4 wheel 
drive gas guzzling mammoths mostly driven by people who never EVER use them 
for anything more strenuous than going to the mall.  It is an American 
absurdity.  They are exempt from tough fuel emission standards because they 
are considered light trucks.  


Jennifer Gitlitz
Director of Research, Container Recycling Institute
Home office: 
1010 Pleasant St.
Worcester, MA 01602
Phone: (508) 793-8516
eFax: (928) 833-0460

Container Recycling Institute
1911 Ft Myer Drive, Suite 702
Arlington, Virginia  22209
Phone: (703) 276-9800  
Fax (703) 276-9587
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