The California Integrated Waste Management Board (Board) has some useful information on districtwide waste reduction programs, specifically model policies, that may help at You can access this and much more information at the Board's schools home page at I hope that helps.
Marshalle Graham
-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Appelhof []
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 4:43 PM
Subject: [GreenYes] School recycling and indoor composting
Andrew Weidman posted the following:
"Does anyone have or know of a teacher or a school that has a copy of a
recycling plan? Disgracefully, My school does not have one currently - or
at least one that is in practice."
California has many schools doing extensive recycling in schools and
classrooms. We published a book by one of California's outstanding
teachers describing their comprehensive, integrated program for
recycling many materials and vermicomposting their cafeteria wastes.
It is "The Worm Cafe: Mid-scale vermicomposting of lunchroom wastes"
by Binet Payne available at:
It has information about performing a waste audit, biology review,
environmental needs, worksheets and forms, communication materials,
bin assembly, harvest planning, diagrams, discussions, charts,
checklists, and much more.
and. . . "does anyone do indoor composting?" Indoor composting is
frequently done by people with worm bins. More information about that
is in my book, "Worms Eat My Garbage," available at:
I am now putting out a free monthly electronic newsletter, the
WormEzine. Back issues are archived and you may subscribe at my
Mary Appelhof
Mary Appelhof, Author of "Worms Eat My Garbage"
Flowerfield Enterprises,10332 Shaver Road,Kalamazoo, MI 49024 USA
PLEASE NOTE NEW AREA CODE: PH:269-327-0108 FAX 269-327-7009
"Changing the way the world thinks about garbage"
New issue of WormEzine is out! Subscribe at:
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