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[GreenYes] Plastics in the News
According to the 1/7/02 Plastics News:
1. The Rigid Plastic Packaging Council has left SPI and joined APC
("Packaging group leaves SPI for APC").
2. Plastic officials in APC are concerned about some negative
consequences of having merged with the American Chemistry Council. Comments
by an economic development official from South Carolina welcoming new
plastics businesses, but expressing reservations about chemical companies,
are leading some plastic officials to want to keep a distance from their
chemical company colleagues to avoid political fallout ("APC, ACC seek to
sooth merger worries").
3. NAPCOR is urging the National Football League to not ban plastic
beer bottles in stadiums in response to the recent debacles in Cleveland and
New Orleans. "'This has nothing to do with the bottles; it has everything
to do with really bad behavior on the part of a relatively small number of
people,' [NAPCOR's Luke] Schmidt said."
Peter Anderson
4513 Vernon Blvd. Suite 15
Madison, WI 53705
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