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[GreenYes] Producer Responsibility would result in local costs to taxpayers
John ~

I can only speak for my unit of government, which owns and operates the
landfill, composting center and Clean Sweep facility and has the master
contract for the recycling center. We do this as an enterprise fund; not
through the general property tax levy. 

And the answer to your question about whether the taxpayes would see a
savings is a resounding YES !

Just for hazardous materials, if manufacturers and retailers would take
responsibility for taking back old paint and related products,
mercury-containing products, small propane tanks, etc, it would save us
thousands and thousands of dollars, and we would pass those costs directly

And I would bet that if the same producer/retailer responsibility was true
for computers, beverage containers, and other items, that local government
-- as well as private solid waste collectors -- in my area would also pass
those savings on. We have such programs for tires, and lead-acid batteries,
and they work well. We are moving forward to expanding them. 

John Reindl
Dane County, WI 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 5:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: [GreenYes] Producer Responsibility & Consumer Costs
> The next question:  If Producers are made to include the true 
> costs of the 
> lifecycle of their products--cradle to grave--and if these 
> producers pass on 
> these costs to consumers--which they will--then--will we see 
> a corresponding 
> LOWERING or ELIMINATION of the tax dollars we currently pay 
> that subsidize 
> the lifecycles of the products we consume?
> I think I know the answer.  Does anyone else?
> John Waddell
> KJWB Publications Inc.
> Refuse News
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