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Re: [GreenYes] Landfilling Yard Waste Proposal in Illinois
According to the EPA's  Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks, 
1990-1999, landfills accounted for 35% of ALL methane emissions in the U.S. 
in 1999, or 215 out of 620 Tg of CO2 equivalent.  I second what John Reindl 
said--let's not make the problem worse by dumping perfectly compostable grass 
into a landfill.  If electricity production is really the goal, how about 
doing it directly rather than in an indirect, messy way (via landfills)--by 
segregating food and yard debris and digesting them cleanly to make biogas?  
Then the residue could still be composted.  Have Waste Management take a stab 
at that.

Jennifer Gitlitz
1010 Pleasant St.
Worcester, MA 01602
Phone: (508) 793-8516
eFax: (520) 833-0460
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