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[GreenYes] Re CIWMB 2001 Draft Strategy Plan
- Subject: [GreenYes] Re CIWMB 2001 Draft Strategy Plan
- From: "Michael Jessen" <toenail@netidea.com>
- Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 19:01:58 -0800
Below is a copy of a letter that I have sent today to Dave Stangis, Manager,
Corporate Responsibility, Intel Corporation,
Craig Barrett, President and CEO, Intel Corporation, and Rich Hall, Chair of
the Board of the California Manufacturers and Technology Association.
By going to the CMTA web site at http://www.camfg.com/directory/board.shtml,
you can find many other board members that should be written to question the
stance the CMTA has taken in opposition to the inclusion of terms like zero
waste, extended producer responsibility, and product stewardship in the
CIWMB 2001 Draft Strategy Plan.
Michael Jessen
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Jessen" <toenail@netidea.com>
To: <Dave.Stangis@intel.com>
Cc: <Craig.Barrett@intel.com>; <Rich.Hall@intel.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 6:49 PM
Subject: A Request/Explanation
> Dear Mr. Stangis, Mr. Barrett, and Mr. Hall:
> I have just been reading Intel Corporation's 2000 Environmental, Health
> Safety (EHS) Performance Report and your company is to be congratulated
> making great strides in resource reduction strategies to lessen your
> company's impact on local environments.
> I have noted in particular that Intel exceeded its 65% solid waste
> goal by recycling nearly 80% of solid waste generated in the U.S. Your
> Clara site received its fifth consecutive Waste Reduction Awards Program
> distinction from the state of California in 2000 and your Folsom site
> received its second consecutive WRAP distinction.
> It is gratifying to read that Intel's Environmental Health and Safety
> includes the statement: "We are committed to conserving natural resources
> and reducing the environmental burden of waste generation and emissions to
> the air, water and land." I also note the EHS Performance Report makes
> mention of product stewardship, design for the environment, and
> environmentally friendly packaging initiatives.
> I am writing to say that I am puzzled that a company as progressive as
> Corporation can feel comfortable with the stance taken by the California
> Manufacturers and Technology Association (of which I understand Rich Hall
> Board Chair) to oppose the inclusion of terms such as "zero waste, product
> stewardship, extended product responsibility, environmentally preferable
> products and manufacturer responsibility" included in the California
> Integrated Waste Management Board Draft 2001 Strategic Plan.
> It is clear from Intel's own experience that it is possible to exceed a
> waste reduction goal, especially one that is low. That is why a number of
> waste reduction professionals have been calling for a zero waste goal, so
> can all be the best we can be.
> I note that the CMTA has directors from Toyota, Hewlett-Packard, 3M,
> Healthcare and Xerox -- all companies that I understand are leading the
> with waste elimination initiatives.
> Please do everything you can -- with your colleagues -- to convince the
> to reverse its opposition to the above-mentioned concepts.
> I am sure that if you and your colleagues confer about this issue you will
> find that this is not a "formula for accelerating California's current
> economic downturn" as stated in a recent CMTA Legislative Weekly, but
> a way to enhance the triple bottom line of every company that embraces
> concepts.
> Please ensure that Intel Corporation continues to strive for ever greater
> waste reduction goals and resource conservation initiatives. Our planet is
> depending on you to help reduce resource use, energy consumption,
> gases, and pollution of air, water and land. A zero waste goal combined
> product stewardship, extended producer responsibility, environmentally
> preferable products, and manufacturer responsibility will ensure a
> planet for our children and grandchildren.
> Yours truly,
> Michael Jessen
> toenail environmental services
> 5635 Highway 3A, 3-12-13
> Nelson, BC V1L 5P6 Canada
> Phone: 250/229-4621
> Fax: 775/587-9838
> E-mail: toenail@netidea.com
> Web: www.toenail.org/
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