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[GreenYes] Model letter for CIWMB Strategic Plan Input
Apologies for Cross Postings

Please consider this a model for you to send a similar letter ASAP to the 
CIWMB regarding their Strategic Plan.  Hearings are scheduled on this for 
11/7 and 11/13.


Gary Liss

To: (Linda Moulton Patterson, Chair)
From: Gary Liss <>
Subject: CIWMB Strategic Plan Input
Cc: (Steve Jones), (Senator David 
Roberti), Paparian), (Dan 
Eaton), (Jose Medina)

Dear Chair Moulton Patterson, and CIWMB Boardmembers:

The Global Recycling Council (GRC) of the California Resource Recovery 
Association (CRRA) would like to comment on the CIWMB Strategic Plan that 
is currently being updated.

We would like to express our strong support for policies proposed in the 
Draft Strategic Plan such as "Zero Waste, product stewardship, extended 
product responsibility, environmentally preferable products and 
manufacturer responsibility."

We are working with businesses in California and throughout the country 
that have adopted strong sustainability policies, and are practicing 
sustainable business practices.  Many of these have implemented their 
programs in response to requirements already adopted for many years in 
Europe and dozens of other countries around the world.

Unfortunately, California and the United States have fallen behind many 
other countries in the world in getting manufacturers, retailers and 
advertisers of products to assume their fair share of responsibility for 
their products and packaging.

Over the past decade, local governments and consumers have made remarkable 
progress in reducing wastes in their communities in California.  However, 
local governments and consumers cannot staunch the tide of profligate 
consumption and waste alone.  Businesses produce 71 tons of waste for every 
ton disposed in municipal solid waste landfills in the US, according to a 
recent report of the GrassRoots Recycling Network.  Local governments and 
consumers have done their share to reduce wastes; businesses now need to 
share the responsibility for reducing wastes further, for us to achieve a 
truly sustainable society.

Businesses in California should not be surprised that there is a need to do 
more.  Instead of fighting leadership by the CIWMB to reduce wastes more, 
businesses should be initiating the types of partnerships in California 
that we see happening in other states to solve difficult waste management 
and recycling issues.  In fact, businesses will be the true winners of such 
partnerships, as most of the policies they are opposing would lead 
businesses to save money from reducing their own wastes, and increase 
customer loyalty for their products and services.

The GRC urges the CIWMB to go beyond calling for such partnerships, and 
recommend requirements and incentives for businesses that would accelerate 
their participation in such programs (such as those adopted in other 
countries).  CRRA recommended policies such as those in 1997 in its Agenda 
for the New Millennium.  A copy of that document is attached and posted at 
CRRA's website at (then "Legislation & Policy").  We ask that 
you include the Agenda for the New Millennium in the hearing record for 
this agenda item. We have also included an excerpt from the GrassRoots 
Recycling Network website ( and a copy of a letter from Gary 
Liss & Associates dated June 19, 2001 clarifying the intent of the Zero 
Waste message, which GRC strongly endorses as well.

Thank you for your consideration.  If you have any questions about our 
position, please do not hesitate to contact me at 916-652-7850 or CRRA at 

					Sincerely yours,

					Gary Brian Liss
					GRC Secretary

What Is Zero Waste?

  Zero Waste is a philosophy and a design principle for the 21st Century. 
It includes 'recycling' but goes beyond recycling by taking a 'whole 
system' approach to the vast flow of resources and waste through human 

Zero Waste maximizes recycling, minimizes waste, reduces consumption and 
ensures that products are made to be reused, repaired or recycled back into 
nature or the marketplace.

Zero Waste:

redesigns the current, one-way industrial system into a circular system 
modeled on Nature's successful strategies
challenges badly designed business systems that "use too many resources to 
make too few people more productive"
addresses, through job creation and civic participation, increasing wastage 
of human resources and erosion of democracy
helps communities achieve a local economy that operates efficiently, 
sustains good jobs, and provides a measure of self-sufficiency.
aims to eliminate rather than manage waste.
Gary Liss & Associates
4395 Gold Trail Way, Loomis, CA  95650-8929
916-652-7850; Fax: 916-652-0485
							June 19, 2001
Linda Moulton-Patterson, Chair
CA Integrated Waste Management Board
PO Box 4025
Sacramento, CA 95812-4025

Dear Chair Moulton-Patterson:

We are writing in support of staff's recommendations regarding the Draft 
Strategic Plan, scheduled as Item #30 on June 20, 2001.

We have been actively involved in developing and advocating the goal of 
Zero Waste for several years.  We have seen how this one act can help 
organizations to dramatically shift their thinking.
We understand that CalEPA has already adopted goals to make California 
"sustainable." Zero Waste means the same thing as "sustainable," only in 
much more concrete terms for solid waste and recycling professionals.

Once it is agreed that the vision is Zero Waste, then much more emphasis is 
placed on reducing waste at the source and working together with producers 
of wastes to create a sustainable infrastructure to reuse, recycle or 
compost their products and packaging.  Once the vision is Zero Waste, it's 
clear that sustainable markets need to be created or expanded for all 
materials and products in the waste stream.  With a vision of Zero Waste, 
the public can more easily understand the need to reduce waste, be more 
careful in their purchasing and to recycle ever more.  A Zero Waste goal 
will clearly minimize the impacts of solid waste on public health, safety 
and the environment.

Please select Option 1 for action, to: "Direct staff to use the Vision, 
Mission, Values and Goals as drafted to develop the remaining elements of 
the Board's 2001 Strategic Plan for Board discussion."

Thank you for your consideration.  If we can help the Board in any way to 
implement this vision, please contact us as indicated.

Sincerely yours,

Gary Liss
On behalf of attached signers

Signers on Zero Waste California Letter to CIWMB

Gary Liss
Gary Liss & Associates

Tedd Ward
Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority
391 Front Street
Crescent City, CA 95531
(707) 465-1100

Jeffrey Smedberg
Recycling Programs Coordinator
County of Santa Cruz Public Works Department
Santa Cruz, California

Timonie Hood

Neil Seldman
Institute for Local Self-Reliance
Washington, DC

Peter Anderson
Madison, WI 53705-4964

Paul and Ellen Connett
Global Video
Canton, NY

Peter Montague, Ph.D., Director
Environmental Research Foundation
Annapolis, MD

Dr. Jeffrey Morris
Sound Resource Management
Bellingham, WA

Warren Snow
Zero Waste New Zealand
011 64 9 486 0738

Gunter Pauli
Founder of Zero Emissions Research Initiative (ZERI) in Japan with 
project  offices in 25 cities around the world

Mal Williams, National Coordinator
Cylch - Wales Community Recycling Network , Cardiff, Wales, UK
Tel +44(0)2920 415434

Jim Malcolm, Director of Special Projects
Department of Environmental Protection
61 8 9222 7162

Michael Jessen
toenail environmental services
Site 12, Comp 13, R. R. # 3
Nelson, BC V1L 5P6 Canada

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485

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