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[GreenYes] RE: "Stewardship" in CIWMB Strategic Plan under attack
- Subject: [GreenYes] RE: "Stewardship" in CIWMB Strategic Plan under attack
- From: "Lacaze, Skip" <Skip.Lacaze@ci.sj.ca.us>
- Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2001 17:36:41 -0800
The industry slant on this issue can be viewed here:
Does anybody know if there has been an attempt to get business groups that
may be on the "consumer" side on this issue to take positions? I'm thinking
of the California Farm Bureau, which probably has more to be gained from EPR
on their supply side than they have to lose as producers. The same might be
true for hospitals, schools, hotels, restaurants, small businesses in
general, and any other group that consumes manufactured products while
producing services or raw materials, or even value-added finished products.
Any increased costs of purchasing should be offset by reduced disposal and
liability costs, while as producers they might only have to worry about
packaging restrictions.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Liss [mailto:gary@garyliss.com]
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 2:35 PM
Apologies for Cross Postings
>The CIWMB Strategic Plan is currently being updated. See
>for a copy of the October draft of this document. This document will be
>the basis for allocating staff resources, budget development, contract
>funds, and developing future legislative proposals.
>Some major manufacturing groups are objecting to terms such as "product
>stewardship, extended product responsibility, environmentally preferable
>products and manufacturer responsibility" included in the Draft 2001
>Strategic Plan. This industry opposition is being led by Brian White at
>the California Chamber of Commerce and Jeff Sickenger at the California
>Manufacturers and Technology Association. Together with other major
>industry players, they call themselves the "Thursday Group."
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