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[GreenYes] Background on Clopyralid concerns for composting
- Subject: [GreenYes] Background on Clopyralid concerns for composting
- From: Gary Liss <gary@garyliss.com>
- Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 12:09:14 -0700
The following are background emails on the Clopyralid concerns for
composting, previously posted on the US Composting Council listserve and
the JTRnet listserve.
Gary Liss
Our regulatory agency is asking the question below. Please reply to the
list. I'll compile and forward the responses.
Jim Gilbert
Environmental Services Unit
Empire State Development
400 Andrews Street, Suite 710
Rochester, NY 14604
(716) 325-1944
Fax (716) 325-6505
Email mailto:jgilbert@empire.state.ny.us
Web Site: http://www.empire.state.ny.us/environment/
Has anyone had any problems/issues with the herbicide "Clopyralid" and its
effect on compost, particularly its propensity to have a negative impact on
certain plants exposed to compost which contains this herbicide?
Reports coming from some other states indicate that compost produced from
materials which contain grass clippings from turf treated with Clopyralid
can be harmful to certain plants. I understand that DOW would like to
register this herbicide for homeowner/residential use. One of the warnings
that DOW wants to use on the product label is that grass clippings should
not be used as compost feedstock until after the fifth cutting. Is it even
reasonable to assume that a homeowner would read the label, let alone
follow such a direction? What is your reaction to this and to the
potential widespread residential use of this herbicide?
William Colden
625 Broadway, 9th Floor
Albany, NY 12233-7253
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 11:49:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Alan Watts" <AWATTS@tnrcc.state.tx.us>
To: Multiple recipients of list <jtrnet@valley.rtpnc.epa.gov>
The following text contains excerpts from a discussion of this topic on the
US Composting Council's listserve from May of this year:
In October 1999, a multiple year vegetable crop study was begun at The
Pennsylvania State University with the goal of documenting the influence
of compost applications on soils and crops. The compost utilized in this
research was produced by the University and was derived from campus yard
waste (except grass clippings), animal manure, and food scraps from the
student dining halls.
Soon after transplanting, symptoms resembling phenoxy-acid herbicide (e.g.
2,4-D) damage were observed. Plants exhibited obvious growth abnormalities
such as leaf cupping and strapping. This was most severe in the growing
shoots and persisted for several weeks, becoming less conspicuous with
plant age. A series of laboratory tests that confirmed that the compost
utilized in the Penn State research had been contaminated. The culprit in
this instance was clopyralid, and was detected at concentrations much
higher than the minimum activity threshold of 1-2 parts per billion (ppb).
The range in concentration between different batches has been from 17 to
74.5 ppb.
Since the discovery of herbicide contamination at Penn State, it was
determined that two products, Millenium and Confront (DowAgro), are being
used on campus for broad-leaf weed control. Both of these herbicide
formulations contain clopyralid as an active ingredient.
Clopyralid is found in several products used for broad-leaf control in
turf-grass maintenance and row crop production. Collected plant residues--
-grass clippings, grain stubble---are mostly likely to be the primary
source of contamination with this compound. This herbicide is capable of
killing broadleaf plants in concentrations as low as 8 parts per billion
and, unlike other herbicides, is not degraded in the composting process.
The label on the herbicide states that the product is not to be used in
situations where the grass clippings may be sent to municipal composting
operations. It is applied in levels as high as 500 parts per million,
meaning that a few improper applications can cause ordinary compost to be
Picloram is an active ingredient found in products currently labeled for
use in hay crops, including the Dow Agro products Grazon and Tordon. The
harvested forage, when ingested by livestock, introduces the herbicide
compound into the digestive tract of the animal where it is quickly passed
via excrement. Any manure or manure saturated bedding that is used in the
manufacture of the compost then appears to serve as a source of contamination.
Both of these chemicals have been found in finished compost in eastern
Washington, and they definitely harm some plants. Tomatoes, peas and
beans are very susceptible to very small amounts of these chemicals.
WSU (Pullman,WA) paid a number of claims due to gardens being impacted with
compost containing picloram residues. Compost sold by the Spokane Regional
Compost Facility was determined to contain clopyralid after a nursery
purchased it and lost their tomato plants. There are several other
facilities around the country that have had this chemical in their compost
Jim~ McNelly
The Compost Man
Jessie A. Lang
Recycling Coordinator, Spokane Regional Solid Waste System
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 11:49:04 -0400 (EDT)
From: Giuranna.Mike@epamail.epa.gov
To: Multiple recipients of list <jtrnet@valley.rtpnc.epa.gov>
EPA's "Jobs Through Recycling" Grants Network
I recently attended a Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania (PROP )
meeting and the contamination of compost with picloram and clopyralid was
discussed in the composting session. Contact Cary Oshins or Patty Olenick
for details.
Cary Oshins
County of Lehigh, PA
17 South Seventh Street
Allentown, PA 18101-2400
PHONE: 610-782-3046
FAX: 610-820-8257
E-MAIL: caryoshins@lehighcounty.org
PADEP Contact:
Patti Olenick, Compost Coordinator
Division of Waste Minimization
PA Dept. of Environmental Protection, 14th Floor
400 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17105
PHONE: 717-787-7382
FAX: 717-787-1904
E-MAIL: ppeckoleni@state.pa.us
Also check out these web links for information
Mike Giuranna
EPA, Region III
1650 Arch Street (3WC21)
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029
215-814-3163 fax
e-mail giuranna.mike@epa.gov
Gary Liss
Gary Liss & Associates
4395 Gold Trail Way
Loomis, CA 95650-8929
Phone: 916-652-7850
Fax: 916-652-0485
Email: gary@garyliss.com
Web: www.garyliss.com
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