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[GreenYes] Local Government Recycling Case Studies
Apologies for Cross-Postings

CIWMB Case Studies

The following is the URL for a series of summary case studies done for the 
CIWMB last year by a team led by UC Santa Cruz Extension on Hot Topics of 
concern to local governments:

Pasted in below is a copy of the introductory page that describes the 
project and the case studies that are now posted.  Hope these are helpful 
to people researching different topics!

Gary Liss
Innovations: Analysis of Successful Local Programs

In March 2000, the Board presented the "Innovations" video conference to 
showcase successful recycling and waste reduction programs developed by 
local and regional jurisdictions to achieve California's 50 percent waste 
diversion goals.

The programs featured in the videoconference were reviewed and analyzed, 
and 24 studies were prepared to highlight successful model programs in 
reuse, recycling, composting, and other areas of waste management. These 
programs can be examples for other cities, counties, and regional agencies 
in California, as well as other states, provinces, or countries.

Most of the case studies are available in summary format; full-length case 
studies (marked with a F) will go on-line as they become available.  The 
case studies fall into these general categories:

Commercial/government sector
Community/residential sector
Material specific
Specific successful programs
Specific successful jurisdictions


Commercial/government sector case studies
-Business Recycling Plans & Policies
-Government Facilities
-Incentive Programs for Local Government Recycling and Waste Reduction (F)
-Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Innovations/Challenges
-Resource Recovery Parks
-School Recycling
-Waste Assessments

Community/residential sector case studies
-Community Cleanups
-Curbside Recycling: The Next Generation
-Recycling in Multi-family Dwellings
-Recycling at Special Events
-Serving Diverse Populations With Recycling

Material-specific case studies
-C&D Recycling Plans and Policies
-Food Waste Recovery
-Mixed C&D Processors
-New Uses for Old Tires
-Organics Options

Specific successful jurisdictions
-City of Riverside
-Sonoma County Joint Powers Authority
-Tehama County (F)
-City of Thousand Oaks

Specific successful programs
-Last Chance Mercantile
-Mini Bins Help Office Settings Reduce Waste 50 Percent and More
-Save Money and the Environment Too!

Last updated: June 13, 2001
Local Government Central
Larry N. Stephens:  (916) 341-6241
©1995, 2001 California Integrated Waste Management Board. All rights reserved.

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485

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