Flush it down the toilet, like we do human waste? ??
(Pets, primarily cats and dogs)
-----Original Message-----
From: Susan & Mary [mailto:catsdogs@concentric.net] Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 7:53 PM To: Green Yes Subject: [GreenYes] Zero waste...animal waste. In the efforts of zero waste, what is
recommended for animal waste? (Pets, primarily cats and dogs)
Either it gets thrown out in a re-used
Washington Post bag, or it stays on the grass to get washed into the street and
finally to the Chesapeake Bay, where it contributes all kinds of living
organisms and organic compounds not desirable...or it passes along those same to
other animals who come around...
Help! It cannot be composted, can it? If
Susan in Falls Church (and soon to be