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[GreenYes] San Francisco Electronics Recycling Resolution
San Francisco Computer and Electronics Recycling Resolution (adopted 

Resolution Urging the California State Legislature to introduce and support 
legislation requiring computer and electronics producers to take 
responsibility for reuse and recycling of their products.

WHEREAS, Electronic discards are an increasing problem, with more than 
6,000 computers becoming obsolete in California every day and 3.2 million 
tons of electronic waste ending up in United States landfills in 1997; and 
WHEREAS, Electronics contain lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, 
polyvinyl chloride, brominated flame retardant and other materials that can 
pose hazards to human health and the environment when handled improperly; 
WHEREAS, Only 14% of personal computers that became obsolete in 1998 were 
recycled or refurbished; and,
WHEREAS, The City and County of San Francisco has been a leader in 
electronics reuse and recycling, and implemented a number of programs 
costing millions of dollars to reduce illegal dumping and promote the 
proper disposition of these products; and,
WHEREAS, The State of California recently affirmed that discarded cathode 
ray tubes, such as those found in televisions and computer monitors, are 
prohibited from municipal landfill, increasing concerns regarding proper 
disposal, cost and liability; and,
WHEREAS, Extended producer responsibility principles, such as those being 
adopted by several countries and the European Union, and contained in the 
Electronics Take It Back! Platform, a copy of which is on file with the 
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in File No._____________, will foster the 
development of sustainable design and recovery of electronic equipment by 
shifting the defaulted burden of disposal responsibility from government, 
ratepayers and taxpayers back to the manufacturers, distributors and 
consumers of such products, where it properly belongs, in part by 
internalizing lifecycle costs in the price of such products; now, 
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San 
Francisco supports the aforementioned Electronics Take It Back! Platform; 
and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of 
San Francisco hereby urges its State Assembly Members and Senators, by 
letter and receipt of this resolution, to introduce and support legislation 
requiring computer and electronics producers to operate or fund 
comprehensive extended producer responsibility programs whereby products 
are sustainably designed and labeled, consumers receive a financial 
incentive for proper disposal, a convenient collection infrastructure 
yielding a high rate of recovery is created and environmentally sound reuse 
followed by recycling is maximized; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That if no effective producer responsibility program is 
created by industry or enacted by the California Legislature and signed by 
the Governor by October 15, 2002, the City and County of San Francisco will 
commence preparing a local ordinance to require sellers and manufacturers 
to take back computers and other electronic equipment at no additional 
charge or fully fund a free and convenient recovery system; and, be it, 
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City and County of San Francisco, should 
industry and the Legislature and Governor fail to act, may additionally 
require a deposit or fee at the point of sale to provide incentives for 
consumers to properly dispose of such products and cover the costs to the 
City and County and others for proper management of such products.

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