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[GreenYes] Study: Australians good at curbside recycli
- Subject: [GreenYes] Study: Australians good at curbside recycli
- From: siobhan.dowling@oceanfree.net
- Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 19:44:21 -0000
- Priority: normal
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From: Marcia Carroll <marcia@essential.org>
To: hcwh-south <hcwh-south@venice.essential.org>
Subject: [Hcwh-south] Study: Australians good at curbside recycling
Date sent: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 17:42:20 -0800
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January 17, 2001, Wednesday
HEADLINE: Fed: Australians good at kerbside recycling: study
CANBERRA, Jan 17 AAP - Kerbside recycling is a hit in the suburbs,
with millions of Australians content with its simplicity, a new study
The report, An Independent Assessment of Kerbside Recycling through
household recycling bins in Australia, shows the community is
benefiting from their waste disposal habits.
On average, kerbside recycling costs $26 a household per year, with
the environmental benefits almost three times as large.
The Nolan-ITU and SKM Economics study measured the financial,
environmental and social costs and benefits of recycling and
translated the environmental impacts into dollar terms.
It collected information from about 200 metropolitan and regional
councils, representing 12 million Australians.
It estimated household recycling delivered about $266 million each
year of environmental, economic and social benefits to the whole of
the country.
"Studies of existing recycling schemes in Australia generally
identify high levels of satisfaction with recycling as a means of
waste disposal," the report's authors said.
Environment Minister Robert Hill released the report today, saying
confirmed that Australians were making a multi-million-dollar
contribution to the environment.
"Australians should be congratulated for their commitment to
recycling and to the environment," Senator Hill said in a statement.
"This study shows what the community has known intuitively and
practiced each week in and week out since kerbside schemes were
introduced around the country over the past 10 years."
The Australian Food and Grocery Council said people had voted with
their feet on recycling and industry should not continue working on a
system to establish an even better system.
"This study proves it to be an effective system - now we need to
serious about comprehensively reviewing the way waste and recycling
systems are set up and operated to ensure the community get the
service they demand delivered a efficiently and effectively as
possible," Council acting chief executive Harris Boulton said in a
Marcia Carroll
Multinationals Resource Center
P.O. Box 19405, Washington, DC 20036 USA
Email: marcia@essential.org
Tel +1 202.387.8030; Fax +1 202.234.5176
Hcwh-south mailing list
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