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> Here is what I'm trying to figure out:
> How much mercury is going into the waste stream in Oregon from the disposal
> of old computers?
> For other mercury-containing products such as thermometers and thermostats,
> we have estimates from EPA on the amount of mercury generated nationally
> each year via the disposal of these products. Based on these numbers, we
> have developed rough estimates of Oregon's contribution to the waste stream
> based on percentage of national population.
> For computers, here is all we've been able to come up with:
> * A recent study by the National Safety Council (1999) estimates that 315
> million computers will become obsolete by 2004. The average desktop
> computer weighs approximately 60 lbs; 0.0022% is Hg (Electronics Industry
> Roadmap, 1996). Based on these figures, one would expect 416,000 lbs of
> mercury nationwide to be generated from the disposal of these computers
> [(315E6 * 60 lbs.) 0.000022] (over the next four years?). Based on
> population, Oregon's contribution would be approximately 1.1%, or about 4600
> lbs. (2.2 tons).
> I am not at all confident in these figures. Any assistance you could
> provide would be greatly appreciated. It seems like this is something that
> someone should have better data on!
> Thanks!
> Laura
> ****************************
> Laura Weiss
> Pesticides and Toxics Program Director
> Oregon Environmental Council
> 520 SW 6th Ave
> Suite 940
> Portland, OR 97204
> 503-222-1963 ext 111
> 503-222-1405
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