>From: "John Thompson " <Johnt@nrc-recycle.org>
>Organization: National Recycling Coalition (NRC)
> News Release
> Contact: Will Ferretti, Executive Director, National
> Recycling Coalition (703)683-9025
> Jack DeBell, Director, University of Colorado
> Recycling Services (303)492-8307
>New Toolkit for Soft Drink Contracts Available
>The National Recycling Coalition and its College and University
>Recycling Council have released a toolkit for schools with upcoming
>soft drink vending contracts. Campus purchasing officials, recycling
>coordinators, student groups, and prospective vendors can all benefit
>from the information the Toolkit contains.
>The seven page document is designed to help maximize the level of
>recycling associated with soft drink vending while promoting
>vendors' assistance in recycling and waste reduction. The Toolkit
>includes sample bid language, options to address recycling and waste
>reduction concerns, a cost analysis of converting vending machines
>from aluminum cans to plastic bottles, and a case studies from nine
>schools around the country.
>Some of the significant findings and recommendations include:
> • Products and packaging associated with soft drink vending have
> direct financial and environmental impacts to the campus.
> • Increasingly, vendors have recognized the need to assist campus
> recycling programs and have provided a wide range of support- ranging
> from funding assistance and collection of recyclables, to donated
> equipment and promotional materials.
> • Schools receiving the highest levels of support for recycling
> have included provisions for recycling support into vending
> contracts.
> • A menu of requirements and options to include in vendor
> contracts offers flexibility to vendors while providing support to
> the campus recycling program.
> • Vendors are more likely to provide support when schools
> acknowledge vendors' involvement and reciprocate with positive
> publicity for vendors' efforts.
>The toolkit was prepared by the College and University Recycling
>Council (CURC), a group of 150 campus recycling managers
>affiliated with the National Recycling Coalition. Jack DeBell,
>Director of the University of Colorado's recycling program and chair
>of CURC's Purchasing Committee noted the urgency of campus
>purchasing departments and recycling programs to begin working
>together. "Campus recycling programs simply cannot afford to
>handle the impacts of vending operations alone. Increasingly, soft
>drink companies are realizing the need to assist recycling and have
>begun showing real support for campus recycling operations."
>The Toolkit is available at no cost to NRC members ($12 for non-
>members). Contact the National Recycling Coalition at (703)683-
>9025 or visit http://www.nrc-recycle.org or CURC's website:
Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485
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