[GRRN] AMSA urges EPA to address mercury levels

From: Stephanie C. Davis (ScD18@WasteReductionRemedies.com)
Date: Sat Sep 02 2000 - 23:44:42 EDT

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    The below article is a cut and paste - unformatted, from the website
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    Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies urges EPA to address mercury levels   WASHINGTON (Aug. 31) -- The Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies has called for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to formulate a comprehensive strategy to reduce mercury in the environment.

    The association recently released a report stating that mercury levels in domestic waste are high enough to pose federal compliance problems for wastewater treatment plants. The EPA is expected to recommend Clean Water Act rules for mercury that would mandate a level at or near one part per trillion. Despite national efforts to reduce mercury in the environment, that stringent criteria does not give leeway for some treatment facilities even if they have made their best efforts, AMSA spokesman John Millet said. -- Stephanie C. Davis - BFA, MPA Experienced Professional of Healthcare & Non-Residential Waste Programs

    Waste Reduction Remedies sm A Multi-Waste Stream, Multi-Material Waste Management Company

    1497 Hopkins Street #2D Berkeley CA 94702-1201 Telephone: 510/527-8864 Pacific Time Fax: 510/526-6218 (MUST INCLUDE MY NAME & TELEPHONE #) E-mail: ScD18@WasteReductionRemedies.com

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