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From: Jon Hudson <>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000
Montana is in the midst of the worst wildfire season for many, many
decades. When this tragic episode is ended, our long road to recovery will
just be beginning.
Does anyone have any generic or readily adaptable material or information
related to fire recovery efforts? We're not looking so much for "how to
restore your smoke-damaged clothing" or fire-resistant roofing ideas, but
more on the order of "what kind of grass do you plant to reduce erosion and
sediment-loading of streams?" or "what kind of landscaping can I install to
reduce fire potential and conserve water?", or "what is the best way to
handle fire-generated wastes?" There are many other aspects of wildfire
recovery, so we would appreciate any and all contributions.
Thanks for your input.
Jon Hudson
******************Montana P2 Program*******************
Jon Hudson
Pollution Prevention Technical Specialist
MSU Extension Service
Taylor Hall (406) 994-3451
Box 173580 (fax) 994-5417
Bozeman, MT 59717-3580 toll-free (888) MSU-6872
*******Pollution Prevention Makes Business Sense*******
-- Stephanie C. Davis - BFA, MPA Experienced Professional of Healthcare & Non-Residential Waste ProgramsWaste Reduction Remedies sm A Multi-Waste Stream, Multi-Material Waste Management Company
1497 Hopkins Street #2D Berkeley CA 94702-1201 Telephone: 510/527-8864 Pacific Time Fax: 510/526-6218 (MUST INCLUDE MY NAME & TELEPHONE #) E-mail:
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