[GRRN] counting waste

From: michele raymond home (michele@raymond.com)
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 09:29:00 EDT

  • Next message: Cloutier, Chris: "RE:"

    FYI remember EPA figures do not count industrial wastes, sludges, C&D, etc
    that may go into MSW landfills anyway. When states give us their recycling
    rates, many seem to count all of the above, but they include it in their
    generation figures as well. Thus, I am not sure we have a good count on
    pounds per day. Do you count commercial? if not then EPA figures would be
    high. If you count what states count then figures would be too low!!

    We saw one estimate of MSW at about 500 million tons.


    Michele Raymond
    Michele Raymond
    Recycling Laws International
    5111 Berwyn Rd. #115
    College Park MD 20740
    301 345 4237
    Fax 301 345-4768
    Mobile: 240-603-1182
    HOME(some mornings this summer) 301-879-0628
    WEB SITE: http://www.raymond.com

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