[GRRN] NRC Ballots

From: Gary Liss (gary@garyliss.com)
Date: Mon Aug 21 2000 - 18:04:15 EDT

  • Next message: Reindl, John: "[GRRN] Denmark to Tax Packaging Based on Eco-Impact"

    I understand the NRC Board ballots are starting to land in members'
    mailboxes. If you are interested in getting information from the
    candidates on the following questions before voting, please hold off on
    sending your ballots in until GRC compiles the results of this survey
    (probably around 9/1).


    Gary Liss
    Survey Sent to NRC Board Candidates Today, 8/21/00
    As you may know, for the past several years the California Resource
    Recovery Association (CRRA) has worked to ensure a balanced representation
    on the National Recycling Coalition Board of Directors through an active
    recruitment of proxies from our members. This year, the Global Recycling
    Council (GRC) of CRRA would like to continue this tradition. We will use
    the responses to questions posed below as a basis for recommending a slate
    by GRC to CRRA members and beyond.

    Our goal in this effort is to ensure that the NRC Board has a diversity of
    recycling industries, state and local government officials,
    environmental/non-profit groups and state recycling organizations with a
    balance of gender and people of color, and broad geographic representation.
    In addition, CRRA would like to support candidates who are
    environmentally-oriented and committed to continuing the current direction
    of the NRC in working to become an advocacy group for recycling in
    Washington, DC.

    Given that the NRC ballots will be mailed shortly, we would appreciate your
    prompt response to the following questions. All responses which we receive
    by AUGUST 25, 2000 will be included in a summary document we will prepare
    and send to CRRA's listserve in California, and share with others via email
    and at the Candidates Forum at the NRC Congress in Charlotte.

    Please answer briefly. If you would like to amplify on your response or
    highlight how you have demonstrated your support for such policies or
    programs in the past, please do not exceed 100 words per question and we
    will consider those comments in our recommendations for a slate. However,
    we may not have room to include detailed responses in summary materials
    provided to members.

    If you need more information about the questions, please do not hesitate to
    contact Saraswati Chandramouli of the Global Recycling Council Executive
    Committee at:
    BY AUGUST 25, 2000
    Do you support the NRC becoming a stronger advocacy group
    for waste prevention, reuse, recycling and composting programs at the
    National and State levels?
    What in your opinion are three outstanding examples of NRC's advocacy
    activities in the past.
    What three activities will you be involved in promoting and advocating if
    you are elected to the Board. What is the anticipated result?
    How is NRC as an advocacy organization making its presence felt at a
    national level - in congress and/or with Federal agencies? Are you satisfied
    with its level of involvement? What, if any, changes would you like to see?
    Yes ___ No ___ Do you think NRC should invest resources in translating its
    programs and
    priorities into legislative action?
    Yes ___ No ___ Do you believe NRC should help states support each other in
    reuse/recycling legislation? (e.g., ensuring that all Medicare programs in
    all states allow for the reimbursement of reusable adult incontinent
    products and not just disposable products).
    Yes ___ No ___ Do you support NRC working more broadly with
    other environmental, business and government groups to establish the
    infrastructure needed for a sustainable society?
    Do you support the NRC advocating for:
    Yes___ No ___ a. the elimination of energy, virgin material and landfill
    subsidies and other "corporate welfare" to level the
    playing field for recycling?
    Yes___ No ___ b. Zero Waste as a guiding principle for the next generation
    of policies beyond integrated waste management?
    Yes ___ No ___ c. minimum content requirements for recycled products?
    Yes ___ No ___ d. a National Bottle Bill?
    Yes ___ No ___ e. source reduction, waste prevention, and reuse activities?
    Yes ___ No ___ f. extended producer responsibility for products and
    Yes ___ No ___ g. campaign finance reform?
    Yes ___ No ___ h. computer manufacturers to Take Back Old Computers from
    residents and small businesses (The ERIT Principles).

    Gary Liss
    Fax: 916-652-0485

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