Re: [GRRN] recycling question

From: Gary Liss (
Date: Fri Aug 18 2000 - 18:55:03 EDT

  • Next message: Brian W. Pugh: "[GRRN] revise recycling question"


    100% can be reused, recycled, or composted in a Zero Waste world, or damn
    close. For businesses, we have considered companies achieving over 90%
    waste diversion to be Zero Waste companies. Companies that have achieved
    that include Xerox, Fetzer Vineyards, and Hewlett-Packard Roseville, CA.

    Communities are considered "Record-setters" today if they divert over 50%
    of their wastes. That doesn't mean the rest of it is not recyclable, just
    that they haven't figured out how to get it yet. Several communities have
    adopted higher goals in CA: Del Norte County = Zero Waste; Alameda County =
    75%; Los Angeles = 70 or 75%.

    Remember, local governments define what is economic in their areas for
    waste haulers and recyclers to recycle in many cases by the structure of
    their contracts, ordinances, rates, zoning, general plans, and other
    policies. If you pay more to waste things (e.g., $45 billion/year in US
    for garbage collection and disposal costs) than you pay for those materials
    to be recycled, then the local government is making those materials

    Gary Liss

    At 02:26 PM 08/18/00 , Brian W. Pugh wrote:
    >I have stats on the avg. amount of MSW per person/year, but would
    >like to know how much of that is considered recyclable.

    Gary Liss
    Fax: 916-652-0485

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