===== A message from the 'millwatch' broadcast list =====
Vancouver, BC, Canada
20 July 2000
Pulp industry watchdog, Reach for Unbleached!, announces the launch of
their new and improved website, packed with information on stopping pulp
pollution and promoting clean paper.
We've reorganised our pages so that you can find the information you want,
no matter if this is the first time you've ever wondered about that rotten
egg smell in a pulp town, or if you're looking for the latest updates on
clean pulp mill science and technology. Our site is now searchable, making
it even easier to find the information you want.
Order environmentally responsible paper, find out how to stop pulp mill
sludge from being dumped on your food, or learn about Totally Chlorine
Free, Zero Discharge pulp mills that could lead to sustainable jobs and a
healthier environment.
Reach for Unbleached! has been growing for nearly ten years, and our
web-site just got its wisdom teeth in!
Check it out and let us know what you think.
For more information contact:
Jay Ritchlin
Pollution Prevention Researcher
Reach for Unbleached!
# 708 - 207 West Hastings
Vancouver, British Columbia
phn: 604-879-2992
fax: 604-879-2272
eml: ritchlin@rfu.org
web: www.rfu.org
Delores Broten, Executive Director,
Reach for Unbleached,
Box 39, Whaletown
British Columbia Canada V0P 1Z0
Ph/fax: 250-935-6992
E-mail: dbroten@rfu.org
Other Archives - Generated on : Fri Jul 21 2000 - 06:44:35 EDT