I would have her check the Calif. Integrated Waste Management Boards
website. The CIWMB hosts bi-annual conferences on tires, they also have
some short one page fact sheets on tires. The website is
Another organization in the United States hosts an annual conference on
tires. I don't have the name of the organization but she might try a
general websearch for tires. I've also CC'd Bill Turley the Exec.
Director of the Construction Materials Recycling Association to see if he
knows the name of this group that holds the annual tire conference. Bill
can also help her with info on putting tires into new construction.
(Thanks, Bill)
Ann Schneider
Ann Schneider & Associates - Reuse, Recycling & Environmental Consulting
430 Hillwood Ct. Mtn. View, CA 94040 650 962-0404 / 650
988-1368 fax
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