[GRRN] Starting or Expanding Plastic bottle recycling at work

Thu, 15 Apr 1999 19:50:03 -0800


I am developing a brochure that will be placed in our classroom displays
for our students (adults in the corporate world or teachers) to use to
expand beverage container recycling and specifically plastic beverage
containers at their regular place of business.

I was wondering if any one has develop text and/or graphics that they
have used to stimulate beverage container recycling. It could include
aluminum and bi-metal cans, PET and HDPE bottles and all glass.

To be honest, I would love to borrow with all credit given, a catchy
slogen or concept to convince businesses to recycle containers above and
beyond aluminum cans.


Ann Schneider

Univ. of Calif. Santa Cruz Extension
Business Environmental Assistance Center (BEAC)
3120 De la Cruz Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95054
408 566-4562
408 748-7388 fax